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*Next day, Harry and Louis are on the plane. Harry is nervous exactly like the last time and Louis smiles at him*

Louis: my hand is waiting for you!

Harry: thank God!

*Harry takes his hand holding it tight and the plane takes off*

Louis: last time we were fake dating

Harry: isn't it funny?

Louis: it is!

Harry: but just for you to know, when I first saw your smile, it was like all my life had another meaning

Louis: awww baby

Harry: for real! I had a strong need to make you smile.

Louis: and you did

Harry: and I did…

*Louis kisses Harry*

Louis: thank you! For not giving up on me! Because if anyone would've been in your place, they wouldn't even care, not even a bit, about me.

Harry: That's because no one really saw the real you! The way you looked at me and my mum hugging, the first day! The way you were trying to hide your nervousness when we first talked with your parents. The way you were expecting a little kind word from them. The way you take photos of everything you find cute! Saw you taking photos of the sky on our second day, photos of the flowers, third day! And so on! They didn't look in your eyes and tried to really look in your eyes! Because eyes tell us more than any words can tell! And I saw behind those eyes. I saw a big heart! How can I give up on the love of my life? I would never be able to do that! So you're stuck with me!

Louis: I'm so glad I'm stuck with you!

*Harry kisses him passionately*

Louis: I love you!

Harry: I love you more! And I was broke too…

Louis: yeah but you hide it! From me!

Harry: because I was afraid that you'll leave if you know the truth…

Louis: I would never leave! Never!

Harry: thank you for fixing me!

Louis: thank you for fixing me!

*Harry puts his head on Louis' shoulder*

*After a few hours they arrived in Italy*

Louis: We're here! Let's go to our car and drive to the hotel. Just so you know, I drive that car!!

Harry giggles: alright!

Louis: It's a great car, baby!

Harry: it is?

Louis: yesss!

Harry: how long will it take?

Louis: one hour

Harry: alright!

*In the car, Louis was driving and Harry was looking at him smiling. He's been watching all of his features, his perfect lashes, his kissable lips he is hardly holding back to not kiss, his fluffy hair he adores and the fringe that is perfect. His cheekbones, really perfectly structured cheekbones, Harry would kiss all day. His neck, "well that neck needs a signature" thinks Harry being completely lost in admiring his boyfriend. And now his smile, his beautiful smile and his eyes wrinkle so perfectly. His cheeks start getting red and he bites his lips*

Louis: may I know what you're looking at?

*Harry looks away shyly*

Harry: you… you had a fly around your hair!

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