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*It's 23rd May. The morning of their wedding. They are at the hotel getting ready to go to the location. They had to stay away from each other last night because 'tradition" as Liam and Zayn say. Harry just got out of the shower and Louis was just coming up after he drank is coffee when he sees Harry and he stops*

Louis whispers: psss Haz!

*Harry looks out and sees Louis*

Harry: baby? 

Louis: you look hot!

*Harry giggles*

Harry: what are you doing?

Louis: just drank coffee! You're trying to make me go crazy. Why are you showing up like this in my face when I have to stay away from you??

Harry: I just took a shower baby!

Louis: okay. I'm gonna go! 

*Harry nods. Louis makes some steps away but he runs back to Harry, kisses him and runs back*

*A few hours later Louis and Harry are in front of each other. They chose a classy wedding but without so many people, just close friends and family. They are marrying outside and the after party is inside. Louis and Harry froze, starting to cry the moment they saw each other for the first time. They make small steps towards each other*

Louis: Y-you're so beautiful 

Harry: You're freaking stunning 

*Louis giggles*

Louis: We're doing it, Harry Styles! 

Harry: and I can't wait

*Louis smiles*

*After the "I dos" It's time for vows*

Louis: Harry Tomlinson, omg how beautiful that sounds 

*Harry giggles*

Louis: I don't know how to get started. Maybe how we got started because now that we got officially married I can do this

*Louis presses his lips against Harry's*

Louis: who would've thought that lie will become the most real thing we ever experienced? Thank you for always picking me up. Thank you for being the reason for me to keep going. Thank you for showing me how love feels. Thank you for being my family. Thank you for always being here for me in bad and good. I promise I will always protect you from anyone and anything. As long as I'm next to you, I will never let anyone hurt you. I promise I will always be there when you need me. I promise I will love you forever! With no exception! And with no boundaries. I promise I will treat you like a king until the end and I will never let anyone disrespect you ever! I love you, Harry Edward Tomlinson! 

Harry crying: I love you more Louis William Tomlinson! I don't know who will ever believe me but I fell in love with a robot *Louis covers his mouth crying* that turned out to be my soulmate, turned out to be the sweetest, cutest, kindest, the most clingy, strong, powerful, man I've ever met in my whole life. It turned out to be the only person I want to see first when I wake up. It turned out to be the person that will change me. It turned out to be my home. Because you are the only person that makes me feel safer than ever, happier than ever, more loved than ever and for that, I will forever thank you! I promise I will always be there to pick you up! I promise I will always be there when you need me. I promise I will love you forever and a day! I promise I will sue everyone who hurts you. I promise I will always protect you from anything and anyone. I love you so much  Louis Tomlinson! 

Louis: I love you more

*Louis jumps in his arms holding him tight*

Louis: now you're completely mine! I can kill everyone who tries to steal you from him, right? That's the law

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