That Ship has Sailed!

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Y/N sat there smiling. Hermione had gone on for a while. He didn't interrupt, he let her vent. He understood she was just worried. Monica and Penny had gone off to make dinner. Wendell sat there awkwardly before disappearing. Hermione had finally came to an end as tears threatened to erupt from her eyes.

"You ok?" Y/N asked tenderly.

She nodded.

"Do you need a cuddle?"

She nodded again before charging into Y/N's chest. She whimpered as he shhh'd her gently, delicately. Lovingly.

"I'm sorry. It just scares me, you doing crazy things like that. I know you have to, but I don't like it."

"I know love. But things are only going to get worse from here. We're going to be at war. There will be pain, there will be loss. But then we get to live. And I want to do nothing more than spend the rest of my life with you love."

Hermione looked up smiling and kissed Y/N tenderly.

"Me too baby. Me too!"


They had a nice family dinner before the five of them went to the lounge. They were spending the night at the Grangers before heading home the next day. Conversation again returned to Y/N's absence. Wendell smiled as he handed Y/N a scotch.

"So what are Spartans like?"

Y/N chuckled.

"Spartans are mad fuckers. All they want to do is fight and fuck, fuck and fight."

"You would have fit right in" Hermione giggled, before realising what she had just said in front of Penny and her parents and she blushed profusely.

Penny went wide eyed and looked down in embarrassment while Monica smirked looking at the two knowingly. Wendell's eye twitched slightly. Y/N laughed.

"There's nothing like a good fight to get you in the mood for fucking, I s'pose there's nothing like a fuck mad Spartan girl to get you in the mood for the next fight."

Hermione raised an eyebrow at her boyfriend. He panicked realising what he had said.

"To the Spartans babe. I'd never cheat on you."

Hermione giggled and her boyfriend gave a sigh of relief.

"I know. But watch the language- you aren't in the field anymore soldier."

"Sorry love"

Monica and Penny chuckled at the two.

"What about Bulgaria? What happened there?" Penny asked.

"You guys didn't hear?" Y/N asked, looking at them puzzled. He knew that word hadn't gotten out of Sparta until the traitor had been dealt with- but word of the Ministry attack had definitely spread internationally. Y/N had received personal letters of commendation from the President of MACUSA, the German Zauberminister and the French Ministre la Magie to name a few. But the British hadn't heard? Then realisation hit him.


He must be censoring the press from covering the attack- either to stop Y/N from being praised or to keep the wool over the public's eyes about the growing threats.

Y/N considered the situation quickly. He would never lie to Hermione- but if he just... glossed over the finer details to keep her from panicking that would be ok. right?

"Uh. It was basically a hunt. You remember when the Department of Mysteries pulled me out of school babe?"

Hermione nodded.


"Yeah. Just a few vampire attacks. Nothing I couldn't handle" Y/N smiled and internally sighed in relief as Hermione nodded.

"Wait Vampires are real?" Wendell asked in a mad panic.


Hermione closed her bedroom door. She cast a locking and silencing charm as she turned to her lover who was stripping for bed. The kids had gone with Penny for the night. She had been waiting for this.

"God I missed you darling. Lying next to you. If you don't-"

Before Y/N could finish speaking he had been pushed to the bed, Hermione kissing him passionately.


Y/N sat at the kitchen table with the Grangers, they were awaiting a knock at the door that finally came. Penny opened it and Y/N heard their voices. His voice. Penny walked into the kitchen hand in hand with her husband.

"Thank you for letting me stay guys. It's been a challenging time hasn't it love" Penny said smiling at Dean who looked at her sadly but smiled back.

"Of course, anytime love. Hopefully you two can work it all out" Monica smiled at the couple.

Dean greeted the parents and smiled at Hermione who hugged him. She had been polite with him during the summer when he came round. Not affectionate but polite. Dean turned to his younger brother with a smile:

"Hey Y/N."

Y/N looked at him and replied emotionless:


"Could we have a word in the lounge? Alone?" Dean asked in a hopeful tone. Y/N looked at him without answering until Hermione rubbed his arm. Y/N sighed.

"Fine. Excuse us guys" he said as he got up. The two walked in the lounge and Y/N nonverbally cast a silencing charm. He turned and looked at Dean, not speaking, no visible emotion on his face.

"Look Y/N. I'm sorry for how I acted. I'd really like it if we could go back to how we were."

He held out his hand to shake. Y/N looked at it then looked Dean in the eyes and chuckled at the absurdity his brother had just said:

"Seriously? Everything you said. Everything you did and you think 'I'm sorry' is gonna change things?"

"Look Y/N I get that you're mad but-"

"I'm not mad Dean. I'm not hurt and I'm not upset. I'm passed it. I will be civil to you for Penny. But we will never go back to what we were. Some things can't be undone."

Dean was devastated. He realised Y/N was serious. He looked at the man who stood in front of him now. His little sibling was gone.

"But... we're brothers?"

"That ship has sailed Dean. As I said. I'll be civil for Penny. She means everything to me. But if you endanger her again like you did. I will show you no mercy... brother"

Y/N sneered coldly before he released the charm and walked back to the kitchen. He hugged Penny tightly.

"I love you Pens. I'm gonna miss you. Remember you are guarded 24/7."

He slipped a snitch into her pocket.

Just in case. You know what to do. I will be to you instantly. If he breaks this one I'll break his jaw!

Penny smiled, cupped one cheek with her hand and kissed the other.

"Thank you for everything Cutie Pie. I am so proud of you. I love you so so much. I'll see you in a fortnight."


Y/N and Hermione walked into their home. They had apparated to the manor after saying goodbye to her parents. The Phoenix Bearers were ecstatic for their Lord and Lady's return. There had been many hugs and handshakes. Sirius and Remus were equally happy- both looked a lot healthier and happier than when the couple had left. The pair had been mobbed by Hati and Buckbeak walking back to their home. Hermione had visited the pair a number of times over summer but they hadn't seen Y/N since he left. He was knocked to the ground by the pair, laughing as Hati drowned him in licks and Buckbeak nudged him, squawking incessantly.

The couple walked into their home with their children, happy to be back. There was much work ahead of Y/N, a lot of loose ends to be chased up. For the moment though he allowed himself to be happy, to be content- reunited, in his home, with his love and his babies. With his family.

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