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"I've been here

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"I've been here...for three days now," I murmure softly but firmly.

That's right. I've lasted for three whole days. Could you do that? It felt like I was both boasting and challenging him could do the same.

"It's the sixth day for me. I win." Said Ace.

"Whaaaaat?!" I yelped. He was worse off than me.

"Anyway, that's not important. I'm building a raft, but it's not going well. Would you help me build a ship to get us off this island?" Ace asked cheerfully.

He explained that he'd built two or three impromptu rafts for escape attempts, but nothing worked. He was getting desperate when he happened across me on the beach.

Work together to build a ship...

It was, in a way, an intriguing suggestion. But ultimately it would mean trusting, and tying my fate to, a complete stranger I'd just met moments ago.

Of course, the more manpower, the better. But the odds were entirely against us.

This was a small desert island. There was a limit to its resources. It would be hard enough for me to survive on my own, let alone sustaining two grown men. Water for two men. Food for two men. A ship big enough to support two men. And we had to scrounge up all of this out of nothing?

It was ridiculous.

What if we only found enough food for a single person? Would I have to split provisions with a total stranger? In fact, splitting them would be the ideal circumstance. What if one of us tried to hoard it all? What ifhe made the bold and friendly suggestion to cooperate, only to betray me when it counted most?

People turn on each other even in the best of times. And this was a life-or-death situation. No one else was watching us. Could I really trust the other man who was here with me?

So, no, I wasn't going to help him.

I didn't need companion. From the moment I set out to sea, I was determined to make it on my own, without anyone else's help. At least I wouldn't have to worry about anyone betraying me.

But then I realized that when I first saw Ace, and when he spoke to me, a part of me had felt hope. It was pathetic. That part of me was weak.

I thought he'd come to rescue me. Even though that couldn't be the case.

My excitement rapidly subsided. It felt like I was outside myself, observing my life as though I were a stranger. Despite all my self-determination, once I was alone on a deserted island, I was happy to come across another person. So much for that.

It hadn't lasted long, though. There was a certain kind of loneliness I felt around others that I didn't feel when alone.

Paradoxically, once I was with another person, no matter the circumstances, I found myself facing the emptiness inside myself.

"By the way, I didn't catch your name yet," he said.

It had been only minutes since we first met, but Ace already seemed totally comfortable around me. I hated it. I've always had a great dislike for telling people my name, or having them ask me like they were entitled to it.

"I've got no name to tell the likes of you," I murmured.

I wasn't going to tell him my real name, certainly not on our first meeting, when I couldn't trust him yet.

The day that I decided to make it on my own, I abandoned my old name.

"How come? We're friends already," said Ace. When did we become friends? "C'mon, you can at least tell me your, name."

"Pipe down. You want a name for me? I can give you a pen name," I said, deciding I'd have to play it tough if Ace was going to be so pushy.

''A pen name?"

"Ace is a good name to have. I might even use that when it comes time for me to write a chronicle of my adventures."

I didn't really mean to say that. Suddenly I felt odd. While it came up in the flow ofconversation, what was it about this place, and these circumstances, that caused me to mention my childhood dream just then?

Ace's expression clouded at the thought of me using his moniker.

"HoId on, now. That's my name."

"And I told you, it's a pen name. I can choose to call myself whatever I want."

"Don't. I aim to achieve greatness with this name. I don't need you copying me."

Greatness, he'd said.

That told me something about what kind of man this Ace was-as well as the reason he'd washed up on this island.

"Did you find any treasure?" I asked, ignoring the previous topic.

Ace took the bait.

"Why, you know something?"

"Nah... Just the rumors..."

"Great treasure always comes to powerful pirates. That's what I always believed. And what happened? I lost my ship, and there's no treasure. No bounties to collect, and I can't leave. This island is the pits," he said.

From the way he spoke, it sounded as though he hoped to make a name for himself by finding some legendary treasure, or taking out an infamous pirate, or the like.

To think that he wound up stranded on this island due to nothing more than garden-variety hubris...

There had long been a tale about this island possessing treasure, perhaps because of its natural beauty. It was a famous story among sailors in the area. But none of them dared approach the island. Of course they didn't; the moment they landed, they were doomed to stay. Even if there was treasure to be found.

Besides, rumor of treasure was common fodder for sailors. It wasn't like they knew anything about the island. They just pointed at a picturesque island in the distance and made up whatever story they felt like telling.

Wherever he picked up the story, Ace clearly took it seriously and made his way here intentionally. So he was the type of person whose ambition was his downfall.

The thought of working with him to survive seemed even less plausible now.

"I know! You can be Deuce!" Ace blurted out. "For your pen name, right? Deuce. It matches with Ace, y'know?"

"Huh? What d'you mean, 'Deuce'?"

Deuce. As in a two of cards or dice? It also means bad luck.

Well, that certainly fit my current situation. I had to admit, lt was a clever name... However, just to be sure, I checked with Ace.

 However, just to be sure, I checked with Ace

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Ace's Story vol. 1 / English Version (Concluded) ━━ 《43》Where stories live. Discover now