Chapter Eleven

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Hii guys, here's chapter 11. Hope you like it. :)

On the side is Diamonds by Rihanna and the picture is what the fortune cookie will be like. 



Lisa’s POV

I woke up with Evan beside me on his bed. This is the second times I slept in the same bed with him and it’s the second time that I had the best sleep ever. I think I have to sleep every night with Evan.

I looked up at him. He was staring at me with a smile. Once again…. his smile is really beautiful.

“Good morning beautiful” he said.

“Morning handsome.” I replied, “For how long were you staring at me?”

“Um, I don’t know. 15 minutes?”

“You do know staring is creepy and rude right?” I asked.

He nodded. “Yes.”

“Then why do you do it?” I asked.

“Because you’re beautiful and cute. It’s just too hard to NOT stare.”

I blushed. Evan laughed and leaned in to kiss me again, I kissed him back of course. With one hand in my hair, he pulled me closer to him with his other hand. It was just hard not to put my hands around his neck and play with his hair. He kept pulling closer till we couldn’t get anymore closer.

We pulled away to breath and smiled at each other. This was like our 10th kiss and I think I like him more. Yesterday after our first kiss (which was super amazing) we went back to his hotel room. I didn’t want to go to my mom, because she was just going to act crazy.

So I called her to tell her I was staying at Evan’s hotel room. Well let’s just say she still acted crazy, just on the phone. And while she was being crazy, Evan was laughing his ass off. I had to end the call in her ear to make her stop screaming like a teenage girl at a Justin Bieber concert. When I called her back, she was back to normal mom.

After the phone call I borrowed a shirt and a pair of boxers from Evan. Again he was saying that I look ‘sexy’ in his clothes. And guess what…… I blushed. Again.

When I came back out of the bathroom Evan also changed his clothes. Then he pulled me to the bed with him and we lay there talking. And making out, talking, laughing and making out again. You know in movies when there’s the part where the couple doesn’t talk but laughs and kisses? Well we were like that. We fell asleep at about 1 o’clock in the morning.

“What are you thinking about?” I heard Evan’s voice say.

I looked at him again and smiled. I seem to do that a lot these days, smiling I mean.

“Just our awesome date yesterday” I answered

He laughed. “Yeah, that was pretty awesome. Especially the kiss at the beach.” He said with a wink

“I loved the kiss” I said.

“Me too”

“Let’s try it again?” I asked.

Without waiting for his answer I pulled him in for another kiss. Immediately he put his arms around my waist. And my arms went around his neck. He deepened the kiss and I kissed back with as much passion as he kissed me.

We were interrupted by my phone blaring its ring tone. I picked it up and looked at the caller I.D. It was my mom, so I stood up from the bed and walked towards the kitchen.

“Hello?” I said.

“Hi Lisa” she squealed. I rolled my eyes.

“Hi mom, what’s up?”

“How was your date?” she asked, “and I want all the details!”

“It was really awesome. We went to this restaurant called Amazonia. They had a dice with a green and red side. If you put it on green a lot of people that work there with all kinds of meat and chicken will come offer you for some. And if you put it on red they won’t come anymore. And it was really delicious. Then for desert we had this awesome chocolate fudge cake. It was so creamy and just really good. When we were back at the hotel we went to the beach and there walked on the sand. It was really romantic.”

“There are more details. I know my daughter.” I sighed. How did she know that? Oh my god.

“Yes mom, there are more details. Um, we had our first kiss at the beach.” Right after I said that, I felt a pair of hands covering my waist. I looked up and Evan smiled at me. He pecked me on my mouth and went to the cupboard.

“OMG. YOU HAD YOUR FISRT KISS? YOU ARE GROWING UP SO MUCH!! I want him to have dinner with the family. Ask if he can come tonight.”

“Mom, did you just say omg? And should I ask him right now? What time and where?”

“Yes, I said omg, can’t I just act like a teenager for a couple of minutes? Meet us at our hotel room. And dress casually.”

“Okay, I’ll ask him. Wait a sec.”

I looked up to see Evan looking for something in the fridge. I walked over to him.

“Hey, what are you doing?” I asked.

“Looking for eggs…. Oh! Here they are!” he got the eggs and put them on the island.”

“Um, my mom asked if you want to join us for dinner tonight. She wants the rest of my family to meet you.”

“Yeah sure, I’ll ask my mom though.” He answered. I put the phone back on my ear and answered my mom.

“Mom, he said yes. I have to go now okay?”

We exchanged our goodbyes and I ended the call. I walked to Evan and gave him a kiss on his cheek. “Thanks for saying yes babe, cause if you said no she would just pester me into telling you to come.” I told him.

“You’re welcome. And if you’re calling me babe, I’ll be calling you sweetheart, sweetheart.” He said with a wink. I laughed. “Yes babe, you can call me sweetheart.”

“Okay darling, now you have to back to the bedroom because I’m cooking breakfast-“, I was going to interrupt but he put a hand on my mouth and continued talking,”-and it’s going to be a surprise. You are not allowed to come out until I say so. Got it?”

“Darling? I thought it was sweetheart, but darling works too. And fine I’ll go, but next time you’re cooking I’m watching.”

He pecked me on the lips again and I walked back to the room. 10 minutes later Evan came with a tray with a plate in the room. On the plate there were scrambled eggs, orange juice and a red rose. I don’t know from where he got the red rose, but I loved it anyway. There was also a fortune cookie.

“Bon appétit” he said.

“Aren’t you eating?” I asked him.

“I already ate.”

“Oh okay.”

I picked up the fortune cookie and broke it. I took the paper and read what is said. I was really shocked. I think my expression was just weird. My mouth was open.

“So, what do you say?” Evan asked.

I looked back at him and back at the paper. This is what is said:

Will you be my girlfriend?

Yes                        No



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