Ch 2 - Telling Papa Puffy & The Over-Protective Younger Brother...

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*Sam's P.O.V*

As I woke up the next morning, I yawned and snuggled deeper into the chest of my beloved as he clutched me tighter to his chest. "Sam? You awake now love? You have to get up, honey bee~!! You need to check on my little brother, remember? After you check on him and the prison and whatnot, we can plan our wedding and then tell my dad about us." Foolish murmured, and I cracked open an eye in annoyance. "Warm. No move. Not now. Cuddles. Demand them. Sore." I grumbled, and he chuckled. "Sammy, I swear, I will give you all the cuddles and kisses you want AFTER you check on my brother. Please? For me? Besides... I can draw a hot bath for you for when you get back~!" Foolish said, bribing me, and I looked up at him hopefully. "Massage too?" I asked, and he chuckled before nodding in agreement. "Yes, I'll give you a massage as well, love. And don't worry about our sweet little egg here, I'll keep them safe, I promise." Foolish says, and I nodded, yawning again before, albeit reluctantly, handing him my little shelled child before slowing standing up. I then stretched, letting my red, orange, gold, and black feathered wings out before stretching them out fully as well. "Fuck.... God damn!! It's been forever since I've let my wings out! Actually feels a lot nicer than I expected." I grumbled before grabbing all of my clothes and armor and walking into the en-suite bathroom to get cleaned up at least a little bit seeing as I knew I looked like an absolute hot mess right now. Looking like a huge mess I may be, but in Foolish's eyes, at least I was a HOT Mess!! After I took a quick shower, I quickly got dressed in everything but my shirt and chestplate before starting to preen my wings, since I was planning on actually keeping them out today. After that, I slid on my shirt, thankful that I had asked Puffy to sew holes for my wings when she made this armored shirt for me a while back a few weeks after we first met. "Thank the Multiverse that I asked your dad to sew holes into my shirt for my wings when she was in the process of making it! Even if I didn't detail what said holes were for!" I say as I walked back into the bedroom, and Foolish laughed as he got dressed himself, struggling a bit to put his pants on due to his leg. I chuckled and went over to him before forcing him to sit down on the bed. "Here. Let me help you, love." I say gently, and he sighed, grumbling a bit as I carefully slid his pants on for him at least to his thighs, and he smiled as he realized that I wasn't going to be the overbearing helper of a lover who pretty much didn't let him do anything by himself. I then quickly summoned some crutches for him that should be able to hold his weight, and he smiled at me gratefully as I handed them to him. "Thanks, Sammy. I assume these are to help me get around while you're gone?" He asked, and I chuckled. "Fooli, you're coming with me. We have to see your dad about your leg, remember? Plus, I think it's a good idea to go ahead and tell her about the whole breeding with me thing. I mean, you're kinda already starting to show a bit, and I don't want people being jerks to you, you know? Also, those crutches change with your size, so you don't have to worry about needing a set of them for every single size you can possibly be, alright?" I say, and he nodded, sighing a bit. "What the hell would I do without you Sam? You said that I was one of those people who are One of The Good Ones, but I swear, the amount of times you've done things for me that you don't expect anything back for is literally insane. If you ask me, you're the one in this relationship who's one of the good ones, not me!" Foolish said, and I laughed. "Me? Never! I just do what I see or think is best for you love, and if I can't see or think about it clearly, then I normally just ask you for your opinion." I whispered, leaning my forehead against his, and he smiled. "That's exactly what I mean. If you're one of those good ones, then I never want to lose you... Hell, even if you weren't, I'd still love you. Because you put me first before anything else, even yourself. It's worrying sometimes, if I'm being honest." Foolish said, and then kissed me gently before I quickly looked at the clock and at the date on his calendar, and I sighed in exhasperation. "Baby, today's the Red Banquet, remember? Looks like I'm going to have to ask Puffy about paying for those outfits I ordered for us sooner than I thought." I said, and Foolish laughed. "Honey, your ordered us matching outfits?! Babe, you didn't have to do that you know!!" Foolish said, and I smiled, rubbing the back of my head sheepishly. "Well, I mean, yeah, I actually kinda did because I wanted us to go together... Like... On a date! You know, on our first date as fiances and possibly our last one as being unmarried!" I said nervously, and Foolish looked at me shocked before he carefully stood up and pulled up his pants before hobbling over to me on his new crutches. "Oh, Sammy, you adorkably fluffy, big old sweetheart!! I swear, you act all tough, strong, and macho man like, but on the inside you're really just a big old softy, aren't cha, baby?" Foolish said, kissing my forehead, and I blushed in embarrassment. " Well, I, uh, um!! OH, GODS DAMNIT!! WILL Y'ALL S-S-SHUT UP!! You're making me blush!!!" I retaliated, not wanting to admit that was, indeed, truly a softy at heart, especially when it came to Foolish himself and anything having to do with him, only to receive a knowing look from my lover. "OK! OK!! SO WHAT IF I AM A SOFTY AT HEART?! IT DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING!!!" I pouted, and Foolish let out a breathy laugh before he pulled me close to his chest, hugging me gently. "Oh shush you, I know you're only a softy when it comes to me, honey bunny." Foolish cooed sweetly, and I purred as he started to scratch my head, just behind my ears where I had the most itchiness from the start of my shedding season. "Fuck. I think I'm starting to shed again!! This is going to ruin my entire week at least!! At most the rest of the month!!" I groaned in annoyance, and Foolish chuckled as he peeled off a huge chunk of my microscopic creeper scales from behind my ear, and I smiled thankfully at him as he managed to get off a little over half of my neck scales with it. "Itchy!!! God damn it all!! Why did my shed have to start today, of all days!!" I grumbled, pulling off the other side of my neck scales, and I sighed in relief as the larger, more visible scales on my face and chin came with it, as those scales were the itchiest ones. "Anyways, we better get going before I start peeling like mad and causing a ruckus by looking like I'm a zombie version of myself with peeling skin!" I say, scratching my neck as Foolish lets go of me, and he nodded before he grabbed our egg and handed it to me after I had put on my chestplate. Then, after that, we carefully gathered up the stuff that we thought we would need as I shifted into my Timeless form in order to summon a satchel to hold my egg child in, of which I decided then and there to call Orchid until I knew their gender. "So, I guess I'll have to build taller ceilings and doors for you then once I'm healed up, huh, honey?" Foolish said, asking more than stating it, giggling slightly as I felt my head hit the ceiling of his room, and I shook my head carefully before picking him up after putting Orchid the Creeper Egg Child in their nest satchel and teleporting outside before setting him down. "I'm just gonna... Stay like this, actually. Give everyone a fright, you know?" I say, chuckling as Foolish grows to his full height, barely even reaching my chest as he stood up tall beside me. "Say, wanna get married like this? Just at our max heights to freak everyone out that there is actually someone taller than you on the server?" I asked and he laughed. "Maybe? I don't know! Though, as much as I love seeing you in this form, love, I want it to be for my eyes only, alright?" Foolish said, and I smiled. "Alright. Your eyes only, love, I promise." I say, making an oath with him, and I transformed back into my winged centaur form before we both walked together to Puffy's house to tell her about us getting married, the whole being bonded partners thing, and to both grab our outfits for the Red Banquet and to order our wedding outfits, if we can.

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