Chapter 2!

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I couldn't believe it.

The day of our summer holidays already!

We only had three classes so we wore our own clothes and were ready to go to town and buy all the new summer rails.

I was spending the summer with my family in Waterford and going to Clare for a week towards the end of the holidays.

I couldn't wait!

We spent about five hours in town shopping with my friends before we all headed our different directions to go home.

We had bought nearly everything in River Island and then bikinis and other bits and pieces in Pennies.

I got home to meet my mother and father in the kitchen with a look on their faces that I couldn't read.

"Kim" my mother said as I came into the kitchen "we have some bad news..."

"What do you mean bad news?" I asked curiously as I slung my bag against the counter and grabbed a half eaten pack of Oreos and started munching.

"You father got a phone call this morning about work"

"Yeah? He always gets phone calls from work?" I managed to say while the Oreos were in my mouth.

"We you see Kimmy" my dad started and yes he calls me Kimmy.

Weird I know but it's been what I've been called since I was really young so I just get called that all the time now.

"the people I work with in Australia need me to go out there to sort things out"

"So you will be missing some of our summer?"

" well it's not that easy you see. I have to go out for the whole summer I think and because you mother is such a big part of the company too she will have to come"

"So does that mean we get to go to Australia for the summer! I can't wait!"

"Well Kim" my mother started "we have been trying over and over again all morning to get a place that will accommodate all five of us but the biggest places that are available at such short notice are only for four people so we have come up with a plan"

I couldn't believe it.

They were going to Australia and one of us couldn't go with them!

"I guess you better tell me what your plan is then?" I asked sarcastically.

"We have been in contact with Helen Anderson and she said that they would be more than happy to keep you for the summer"

The Andersons were our friends and they had a holiday home beside ours in Clare.

They have 2 boys, Conor and Jack, and a daughter Charlie.

Conor is two months older than me. He is tall and has light brown hair that is short and slightly spiked up most of the time. I suppose it kinda was a small bit good in a way because I have had a crush on Conor since we were three.

Jack is two years younger than us and is slightly smaller than Conor with sandy blond hair which is thick and swooshed over to the side.

Charlie was six and very cute with short brown hair and huge blue eyes.

"But that's so unfair! I would have to spend the whole summer with Conor and Jack! I bet their not happy with this either! and anyways-"

I was cut of by my phone ringing when I picked up it was Conor.


"Yeah! Hey Conor"

"Hahaa you will never believe what my mum just told me! She is defiantly going crazy!"

"What .. really? What did she say?"

"She said that you were coming to stay with us for the whole summer in Clare! Crazy right!"

"Em Conor... It may seem very crazy ...but ..." I almost didn't have the guts to tell him but then it just blurted out really fast "it's true, my parents just told me there..."

The other end of the line was silent and I was pretty sure I heard swearing.

"Conor? Are you okay?" I asked not knowing what to expect.

"Eh yeah I have to go Kim. Bye"

The other end of the line was gone.

He was after hanging up.

Was I really that bad?

Did he really not want me at his house that badly?

We had been best friends since we were three and yeah we may not have shown it all the time but we both still knew it was true.

When dad heard that I was off the phone he came back into the kitchen.

"So kimmy, your bus leaves at 10 in the morning and we leave here then too, and look we are really sorry about what happened and how it happened but it won't be as bad as you think"

That was my dads brilliant way of comforting me.

"Look dad it's not going to work out! Did you hear what just happened there? Conor lost it when he realised it was true! He doesn't want me there and I'm sure Jack doesn't either. Oh and have you noticed the fact that I won't be able to see my friends for like three while months now? Maybe I might have liked to see them at least once over the whole entire summer! And besides you know Lana and you also know for a fact that there is no way in hell that she will be happy with this!"

I was about to keep going on when dad interrupted "yes Kimmy I know Lana and I know that she will not be happy either but Helen has it all worked out! She said that because Lana came down already and she knows them that she can come down and stay for a while when you are there. I know this is not ideal but it is what has to be done.

"So I suppose I better start packing now then?"

"That would help a lot kimmy thanks. And whe you get off the bus Helen will be there to meet you and she will have lunch ready when you get back to their house"

"Okay thanks dad"

I left the kitchen after that and went straight to my bedroom.

When I got to my room and FaceTimed Lana straight away.

It only rang twice before she answered very enthusiastically.

The mood dampened very fast though after I told her what had happened.

After five minutes of talking we were both in tears.

The only good thing that we got out of it was that Lana would get to come down for a while.

Lana loved Clare.

The first time we brought her down she fell in love.

Every year since then she has come down with us.

Once I got off FaceTime to her I started packing and after what seemed like forever had two bags packed and I was ready to go.

I went to bed at about twelve o'clock that night and I knew I would have a long summer ahead of me.

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