Chapter 11!

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Sitting in the little cafe I was very happy to be sitting here. We had finished looking for starfish and swimming so when we were changed and met up with Leo and Helen they took Jack and Charlie back to the house while Conor and I had stayed around to meet up with some friends Conor knew from home.

We had just gotten our drinks and in walked two boys similar in hight to Conor. I felt the table shake and when I looked over Conor was after standing out beside the table with his arm raised like he was calling them over.

They did some bro handshake thing saying their hellos and I looked down at my hit chocolate wondering if ere was anyway I could eat the marshmallow from it without looking like a slob.

I felt eyes land upon me and I slowly looked up to see both boys were looking at me as Conor say back down.

"Guys this is my friend Kim that I've told you about. Kim this is Micheal and Ross, they are on my hurling team and in my class"

"Hi it's nice I meet you" I quickly mumbled as I stood up to shake their hands by as my hand met with Micheals he pulled me into a hug.

I gave out a small grunt as I unexpectedly collided with his stone wall of a chest.

"Kim it's nice to finally meet you, we have heard a lot about you" Ross said as he too pulled me into a hug.

I felt a blush creep up on my face and looked away hoping nobody would notice.

Once I was let go I went back over and say down in my chair and took a sip of my hot chocolate. Conor moved and say beside me as Micheal and Ross sat in the two seats across from us.

"So Kim" Micheal started "how have you found it, living with the Andersons?"

"It's not too bad I suppose" I replied slowing down on the last word before continuing "I mean, who wouldn't love living with Jack" I said with a smirk on my face and shot the boys a quick wink,

Conor's head flew around my me so fast I don't know how he don't get whiplash.

"I suppose living with Conor is fine too, at least I got his room hahaha"

"Hey now, you prefer me I Jack and you know it Kim" Conor shot back clearly trying I redeem himself in front of his friends.

I burst out laughing and so did the boys once I saw the look on Conor's face. It was a small scowl ad his brows were pulled in slightly like he was angry.

"You know I'm only joking Conor" I laughed back and w joined in this time.

The two boys went on asking questions about anything and everything and it wasn't long before I ha them figured out.

Micheal was outgoing and eager to get to know people but he was a good friend and a very nice guy, while Ross was more cheekier and a lot more flirtatious.

"Hey Conor did I tell you about the part I'm having tomorrow night?" Ross asked.

"No you didn't mention it. Thanks for the invite FRIEND" he said jokingly exaggerating the friend part.

"Oh you and Kim should come! It's on in my house here. It's mostly the team and their friends and it's kicking off around 8."

Conor turned to me "what'd you think Kim?"

"Sounds like fun. We can ask when we get back to the house"

"Great Conor send me a text and let me know either way but we better get going, couple of cute chicks to pick up" Ross said as he winked and stood up at the same time as Micheal.

"Oh yeah and by cute chicks do you mean your sister and he friends is it?" Conor shot back with laugh in his voice.

"Shut up" Ross said as they said their goodbyes and eased towards the door.

"Cya tomorrow night then maybe Kim." Micheal turned to me and said "it was good to meet you" with a smile on his far.

Once they left Conor decided to text Helen to come and pick us up as it was starting to get late. We strolled around on the beach waiting for her to get here talking about the boys and the party.

When Helen arrived we got into the car and she headed back for the house. Halfway back Conor pipped up about the party.

"Mum Ross is having a small party tomorrow night in their house. Is it alright if we go?"

Helen looked in the mirror at me "Kim do you want to go?"

"Yeah I don't mind helen" I replied "I'm happy to do whatever"

"What time do you want a lift in at so?"

"Half eight would be brilliant! Thanks mum!" Conor said enthusiastically.

• • •

"Lana I literally have nothing to wear! I don't know what kind if part it is, if it will be dressy or not or what?! What am I going to do" I let out a long sigh.

Of rose it haven't occurred to me that I had no party clothes befits saying yes to going but I would just have to make do.

Lana helped me pick out an outfit and I was just trying it on and when I walked out of the bathroom Conor was laying in my bed...

"Conor why are you doing?"

"Wow Kim where you off to? A secret date? Who is the lucky lad?" He said as he winked at me.

"No dumbass this is what I'm thinking if wearing tomorrow... Is it alright do you think?"

"Kim you look good yeah it's alright. My only problem will be keeping the boys off you"

"Oh shut up!" I said as I threw a pillow at him.

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