Chapter 12!

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It was 9 o clock.

Here was me standing outside tosses house with Conor close beside me looking up in awe.

The house was hopping.


You could hear the music three streets away as there was cans if beer and cider all over the Garden along with people falling around the place... How could this have happened so fast? The party only started an hour ago!

We walked up to the door and Conor pushed it open and let me through first. The minute we stepped inside all you could see was a sea of bodies all dancing with red solo cups in hand singing loudly to the music being played.

I followed Conor through to the living room and he soon spotted Ross and Micheal and the rest of their group. I followed him over to them and as they spotted us we got a loud cheer and hellos and hugs were being thrown all round. I would be slightly under exaggerating if I said they hadn't had anything to drink... In fact, they had a lot to drink.

"Wow Kim, you look hoowwttt" called Ross over the music. A blush crept I my far as I looked down at what I was wearing. A black low neck top tucked into a stiff skater skirt that was a silvery/light pinky colour with a gold band around the waist. I matched it with a pair of black heels and a big beady necklace.

I muttered back a thankyou and quickly looked around the room before I felt someone's face close to my head.

"I'm going to go over and get a drink, do you want to come?"

I smiled at Conor and nodded as he led the way over to the kitchen where the drinks were. He got two vodka and cokes and handed one to me.

I started drinking it down and as I did I started to feel more at ease. When our drinks were gone I shouted up to him.

"Let's go dance!"

I grabbed his hand as we headed for the dance floor. He pulled me into him and we started swaying along to the music like the other hundred people in the room. We danced for three songs and at that stage I was in need for another drink.

I pointed towards the kitchen at him knowing there would be no way he could hear me and he led the way back. Just as we got to where the makeshift bar was set up, Ross, Micheal and another friend Samuel walked up.

"Kim, Conor, your just in time! We are just about to do shots!" A Cheer erupted from Samuel and Micheal to agree with what Ross just said.

I looked up at Conor and nodded to the shots as did he.

The guy in the bar poured out 5 shots if Micky Finns and we all started counting down.




I threw back the shot and felt the burn down my throat. I looked around at the others and they all had the same look if disgust on their faces.

"To the dance floor" Samuel shouted and we all followed him back over to the dance floor.

We danced for about ten minutes until it was back to being just Conor and I. I felt his hands snake around my back and hold my closer to him. I brought my arms up to his shoulder and put one around his neck as I continued swaying my hips to the beat, in pure bliss.

I closed my eyes and tilted my head up and as I did I felt a warm breath against my neck.

"Kim your making this really difficult for me you know" I heard him whisper in my ear.

I have out a little giggle and I'm sure he heard it as soon his body was vibrating from his laughter.

"Kim you have no idea how good you look tonight. I can't keep my eyes off you"

I looked up to him, from the tips of his hair and then all the way down to his shoes. His hair was sticking up in all different places which gave him a bad boyish look about him. His eyes twinkles in the lights and the shadows cast over his face made him look more than handsome. He had a blue, button up shirt on with the sleeves rolled up and light brown chinos matched with a pair of white converse. He looked sexy.

I felt his arms tighten around me and the song changed and a faster one came on. I nuzzled my face into his neck and kept dancing in sync with his body.

It wasn't long before I felt one if his hands being removed from my back as he put a bit of space between us.

"Kim I hope you can forgive me for this" and before I could even process what was going on his hand lifted my chin so I was looking directly at him and as I looked into his eyes his lips crashed down onto mine.

I felt like a thousand fireworks were going off inside of me.

I couldn't believe this was happening.

This was Conor freaking Anderson.

And I was shifting him right here right now.

He pulled away all to quickly and when I looked up to him, his eyes were studying mine looking for any sign of anything.

I gave him a small smile before leaning up and reconnecting out lips. I felt his tongue trace my bit in lip asking for entrance and I gladly granted it.

We pulled away to catch our breaths and he leaned his forehead against mine. I stared into his eyes as he stared right back. I felt like he was looking directly into my soul but I couldn't have been more happier at this moment of time.

He brought his hand down and intertwined our fingers and tugged me away from the dance floor. I found us making our way towards a back garden. I was so lost in my thoughts I hadn't even notice how far down the garden we had walked.

Infront of us was a white hammock hanging between two trees. Conor pulled me over towards it as he carefully say down never untangling out fingers. He pulled me inbetween his two legs so I was facing him.

"Kim you have no idea how long I have wanted to do that for. Thank you"

I didn't know what to say. I was lost for words. I stayed silent not trusting my mouth to say and urging and Conor slid around skill fully so he was laying in the hammock and then pulled me down on top if him.

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