Chapter 1

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"Ahsoka, don't!" Sabine warned.

Ignoring the Mandalorian artist, the lanky Togruta stepped onto the sandstone knot in the middle of the grassy plains of Lothal. Spiraled monoliths once dotted the prairies, but now the steppes spread uninterrupted. Ahsoka's gray cloak whipped in the wind, her hood outlining the cone-shaped montrals atop her head. She extended her staff toward the center of the stones and tapped thrice.

"Ezra said there must be two to open the temple."

The former Jedi Padawan shot a wry smile before lifting her arms above her head and catching the green owl-like creature that had just manifested. As Morai settled on Ahsoka's arm, the pavers spun. The earth quaked, knocking Sabine to the ground and tossing Ahsoka from the stones.

Spiraling blocks emerged from the ground—striped, smooth, massive. Creaking, rumbling, groaning until at last the edifice halted its ascent.

"Please, Ahsoka. I have a bad feeling about this." Sabine tugged the corner of her friend's robe. "I can't lose anyone else. Not after Kanan and—"

Ahsoka's eyelids turned down. "I'm searching for Ezra on another plane, Sabine. Hera is searching the hyperspace lanes. You know your job."

"Imperial communication logs." The young woman in multi-colored armor sighed.

"We will find Ezra and Grand Admiral Thrawn, Sabine. One way or another. And when we do," Ahsoka lifted her eyes and set her face firmly, "Thrawn will receive the retribution he so justly deserves. I promise."

The green owl nodded its head as it fluttered its wings.

"Let's go, Morai." Ahsoka rested her hand on Sabine's shoulder. "The Force will be with you, always." The owl launched off Ahsoka as the twisted spires dissipated to reveal the portal to The World Between Worlds.

Was it really only a few years ago since Ezra pulled me from the collapsing temple with Anakin? Ahsoka's thoughts ran wild as she traversed the looping black paths outlined in silver

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Was it really only a few years ago since Ezra pulled me from the collapsing temple with Anakin? Ahsoka's thoughts ran wild as she traversed the looping black paths outlined in silver. A starscape whirled in the background while voices of the past and future bombarded her. Some she recognized, like Master Yoda's, "Do or do not. There is no try." Or Master Obi-Wan's, "You must do what you think is right, of course." She ignored them all.

Her goal was one voice—the didactic, precise Chiss voice of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Never one to speak two words when one would do. Never one to spare a town of people when eliminating them would send a stronger message. He lived to play his wargames of strategy, and strategic advantage is all that mattered.

But he had Ezra, a Padawan learner from Lothal. The boy Emperor Palpatine had longed for as an apprentice—had even trapped him at one point. The boy who stood by his convictions and chose the path he was destined to take, surrendering himself to save his homeworld.

Step by step, Ahsoka traversed the long loops branching left and right, up and down. Words echoing and layering atop each other, she focused her will and followed Mairi as she flitted through the pathways. At the next turn, a round portal flared open, red and blue and purple and green flashing across the screen of the opening to reveal the bridge of a star destroyer. Mairi settled on the ornament at the top and waited for the Force-user to enter.

With a mere hesitation, Ahsoka stepped into the pulsing energy waves.

Grand Admiral Thrawn in his pressed white uniform paced the bridge. His minions stood at their stations in the sunken duty pits flanking the walkway. He didn't appear to have noticed Ahsoka yet, and she doubted he could see the portal.

Ignorance and denial of the Force will be your downfall, Thrawn. From her position, Ahsoka counted scores of star destroyers around Thrawn's flagship. She instantly recognized the Imperial hyperspace formation.

"Captain, on my mark. The wormhole will only open for a few minutes, barely enough for the fleet to pass through at once. And we must arrive en masse. Surprise is everything. And we'll destroy this rebellion once and for all." He pivoted on a polished boot and glared at the captain. "Have you verified the coordinates?"

"Yes, Admiral. 77.81.83. All ships confirmed."

"Good, those who survive the passage through the wormhole will wage our attack on the new rebel government on Chandrila. You're certain the probes were correct?"


The blue-skinned man focused his glowing red eyes on Ahsoka.

"Sir?" asked the captain.

"Never mind. I thought I saw somethi—someone." He rubbed his eyes and turned back to the holographic star map. "On my mark. Three, two, one—"

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