Chapter 3

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Sooner than expected, the blue spikes of hyperspace faded into the stagnant starscape. Ahsoka didn't recognize this particular layout, and no planets or systems came up on her short range scanners. Once again, she felt like a pawn in the hands of the Force.

But at least here she registered no Imperial ships nearby either. She pulled up the communication array. Middle of nowhere. Doubt I'm even going to reach any friendlies this far out. But maybe ...

She drilled down into ancient communications protocols until she found the Grand Republic homing beacons. It was a longshot. Only a few had them installed, but she was only looking for one. And her old friend would never let her down.

Gotcha! Ahsoka punched the coordinates into the navicomputer. Within moments, the fighter rocketed into hyperspace again.

 Within moments, the fighter rocketed into hyperspace again

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"Attention, you have entered restricted space. Leave here at once."

If the voice over the intercom didn't wake Ahsoka, the warning shots above the cockpit did. She jerked the craft down and zigged and zagged to evade the snub fighter chasing her.

"Hey, watch that. I'm just delivering a message."

"Again, this is a restricted system by order of the New Republic. I don't want to shoot you down, but I will if you don't leave. This is your last warning." The man's voice was calm but firm. He added a few more warning blasts across the cockpit.

Ahoska spun the vehicle and as she hit the comm button to send the coded message to the droid. While she flipped and hurtled through space, she heard the familiar beeps and whistles.

"Yes, Artooie. It's Snips. Now tell your pilot to take us to the surface. I have an important message for the Republic, and there's no time to lose." She dodged another blast as she spoke.

"Are you sure, R2?" The X-wing pilot retreated a few clicks.

A series of impudent beeps bounced over the comm systems.

"You watch your language." The man sighed. "Imperial fighter, my R2 unit says he knows you, but I don't see 'Snips' anywhere in the database. Name?"

Ahsoka inhaled. "Fulcrum. Transmitting security codes now." If anything was in the database about her, it was that.


She powered down her weapons. "Come take a look."

The X-wing leveled off and positioned within ten meters, the tip of its nose almost touching her cockpit.

I only know one other pilot who could pull this off. Did I fall back in time again? "Skyguy, is that you?"

The man chuckled. "Never heard that before. The name is Luke. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker."

"No. That's impossible."

"Who are you?"

"Ahsoka Tano." She took a breath. "I believe my master, Anakin Skywalker, was your father."

"Come down to Ajan Kloss. We need to talk."

"First, I need R2 to tell the New Republic that Grand Admiral Thrawn is bringing the Seventh Fleet to Chandrila to wipe them out."

"Who's Thrawn?"

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