ㅤㅤㅤ018ㅤmaking a new plan.

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and i love too
that love soon might end
be known in it's aching
shown in the shaking

wasteland, baby ( hozier. )

chapter eighteen.
making a new plan

Yijae was soaking wet in minutes, everyone was in a somber mood

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Yijae was soaking wet in minutes, everyone was in a somber mood. The falling rain, covering their tears and pains.

Yijae felt as though she had no tears left to cry. If any happiness had come with a coming rain, it had been washed away, like the grime and the blood on them. Yijae's mind wandered back to the note she had left Nayeon.

Whether she too was enjoying the rain, had she been killed, was she surviving just like them. Yijae thought about her grandmother, whom she was minutes away from the meeting.

Everyone cried, reminiscing about whatever was left. Yijae looked around at her friends, she and Cheong-san made eye contact as he conversed with Joon-yeong.

The two boys walked to Yijae, "I have a plan." Cheong-san told her, in hopes of cheering her up, "Great." Yijae rolled her eyes ── no more was she interested in plans. She wanted results. Cheong-san was taken aback, he couldn't recall any other moment where she'd looked this down.

"If we move whenever thunder strikes, zombies won't be able to follow us. I think it's a solid plan." Cheong-san explained, still not willing to give up. She nodded, having lost interest mid-way. Yijae looked around for Soyang.

"Soyang!" Yijae got up, looking around for her friend. "Yes." Soyang appeared in front of her, just as depressed as everyone else. Yijae jumped back, surprised at her sudden appearance, but hugged her friend soon after.

"Are you okay?" Yijae asked, to which she replied no. "Makes sense." Yijae sat down, "No one's saving us." Soyang concluded the obvious, sitting beside her friend. "Well, we still have each other so that's what matters." Yijae tried her best to lighten Soyang's mood.

"Cheong-san has a plan. Maybe it can work." Yijae tried instilling hope because now hope was all they had left. "We could try." Soyang replied. If Soyang could be confident, so could Yijae.

"Yes let's try."

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