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" Miss, are you sure there isn't someone else you can call? " A worker called out to me

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" Miss, are you sure there isn't someone else you can call? " A worker called out to me. I had been waiting at the airport for about an hour and called my mom twice with no answer. There was one person I wanted to call but he didn't know I was back. I was worried about what would happen if I told him. " Do you happen to know the number for the Munson's? " The woman nodded before dialling and passing me the phone.

" Hello, this is Wayne Munson. " I took a deep breath in before letting out my sentence. " Hi Mr. Munson, is Eddie there? It's Cynthia. " He chuckled softly as I responded. " Eddie! It's your girlfriend " The phone went silent for a few minutes. I could hear him mutter something about not having a girlfriend. " Hey? " His voice sounded shaky yet at the sound of it I remembered how much I missed it. " Hi, " I said softly as Eddie let out a low chuckle it was as if I could see his smile. " Cyn? " The smile on my face grew. " Yes, Eddie bear, it's Cyn. "
His laughter filled my ears causing my smile to brighten up the room. " So, what's up? " A low sigh could be heard on my end as I tried to form my sentences.

" Don't be mad but I'm kind of in Hawkins. My dad passed, and I'm moving back in with my mom. She somehow forgot about picking me up from the airport; do you think you could come to get me? "

" I'll be there in about ten minutes, " he said quickly before hanging up.

I took a seat near the entrance and waited for my so-called love drug. His van could be heard from a mile away, oblivious he was speeding. His van came to a stop and he jumped out and walked toward me. As I walked closer to him his arms made their way around my waist.
" Eddie," I said softly as I took in his smell.
" Cyn," He said softly into my hair. We stood there not moving for a few minutes. The aching stopped when I felt his arms around me. " I missed you so much. " He whispered as we let each other go.

There was no one home when we arrived at my house. I dropped my things off and headed back into Eddie's van. He smiled as I hopped in. " So," We both said in unison causing us both to giggle. " You first, sweetheart "

I smiled as he interlocked our fingers. " Well, it's about lunchtime, I say we make our way to school. " With no hesitation, Eddie sped down the rod and to school. I grabbed a magazine off the floor and read. Not long after a giggle could be heard from my side.

" What's so funny? Why don't you read it to me? "

" The Devil has come to America. Dungeons and Dragons, at first regarded as a harmless game of make-believe, now has both parents and psychologists concerned. Studies have linked violent behaviour to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide, and even murder. "

Laughter filled the van has it parked in the lot.
" Horseshit! It's a fantasy game! That's all. "
Eddie smiled as he reached back and grabbed a box. " Since you say that, here. I was going to mail it to you but you're here so. " I smiled and took the box from him and opened it, revealing a Hellfire crop top. " No, way! You didn't! You took my idea! " He chuckled softly as I took my top off and replaced it with the crop top. The horn honked as I put my red leather jacket back on. Eddie got out of the car and started yelling at someone; I quickly got out and pulled him away from the student.

" Eddie! What the hell! "
He huffed as he stepped back and stared deep into my eyes.

" What! This perv was peaking! "

A chuckle came out of my mouth before I motioned for the student to leave.

" Ed, does it look like I care? Trust me the only person in this damn town I care about seeing my boobs, is you okay? "

He smiled softly and took my hand in his as we walked into the cafeteria. " Hellfire, please welcome back your Queen, Cynthia Willows! "

The smile on my face grew as they cheered. I raised my hand and curved it as I waved as a true royal would. Eddie placed his hand on my back as he pulled what I assumed was his chair at the head of the table. A kid yelped as he yanked the chair and pulled it toward him so he could sit next to me. " Eddie, you better apologize for that! " He chuckled softly before turning around and apologizing to the kid. 

After lunch, I went to the office to get my schedule, I was lucky enough to get all the same classes as Eddie. The day passed by quickly and there was no way I would have ever guessed where I would be in a month. By the end of the night, I was in his trailer. We were extremely drunk. Yet I wouldn't change what happened at all that night. When I awoke the next morning I was naked in his bed. 

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