Munkustrap x fem!Reader

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Meeting again

"Y/N! Wait!" She heard a familiar voice call after her. She turned around, being met with the face of her best friend. "Before you go, I have to tell you something. I really-" He started before being interrupted by a human voice calling out for Y/N. She turned to the voice and then back to her friend. "Munkustrap, I really have to go. Tell me when we next see each other, alright? I won't be gone for long."

He just managed to nod as he watched her disappear in the direction the voice came from, left with nothing but an unsaid confession. But it was okay. She'd be back soon. Or so he hoped.


He was nervous. There was no denying it. Munkustrap was nervous, and he couldn't even hide it.

Now, if this was around the time of the Jellicle Ball, everyone would understand. But to see the usually so calm and collected Tom in such a tense state, when the Jellicle Ball was nowhere in sight, was definitely not something anyone was expecting. What on earth could possibly make him so nervous?

While his fellow tribe members were observing his skittish behaviour, Munkustrap himself thought he was doing quite a good job of pretending everything was normal. He was always on the move, making sure the junkyard looked as presentable as possible for the guest he was expecting. He hadn't told the others yet, but he would. Soon. He just needed to fix a few more things. Just as he was about to shove a few empty cans in their rightful place, a short laughter made him aware of the fact that he was being watched.

He turned around to look at the source of it, only to find his brother sitting on top of a pile of old metal. He mentally noted to himself that he had to take care of that as well, before he started to speak. "What do you want, Tugger?"

His brother got up and grinned. "You know, the others are noticing your strange behaviour."

Munkustrap stiffened up for a second before recomposing himself. "Strange? I just want to make sure this place looks at least somewhat presentable, for when-"

"For when your sweetheart comes back." Tugger interrupted him in a mocking tone. "I would've thought you'd be over her by now. That's the strangest part if you ask me."

Munkustrap shook his head. "That's why I don't ask you. And besides, wouldn't you do the same for an old friend?" He asked, making sure to put his emphasis on the word 'friend'. The last thing he wanted was his brother to know of his feelings for her. They were close friends when they were younger, and it broke his heart when her owners moved away and took her with them. But now they were coming back, and with every moment their reunion came closer he became more and more aware of his feelings for her that haven't faded a bit since the day she left. But Tugger didn't need to know that. Who knew what he'd do with that information? He might even tell her and-

His thoughts were promptly interrupted when said brother clapped his paws together in front of his face.

"You really are a hopeless case..." he grinned, though there was no ill will in his amusement. He simply thought it was a nice change of pace to see Munkustrap focused on something else for once.

Just as Munkustrap was about to respond, the two Toms heard Skimbleshanks' jolly voice call out "Y/N? Is that really you?"

"Already? I'm not prepared at all! I don't even know what to say, and I'm not done-" Munkustrap started in a rather hectic tone. The Rum Tum Tugger however wouldn't have it and simply started dragging his brother towards the crowd of curious cats that were greeting their new guest.


She smiled at the crowd of cats around her. Some of them she recognized as old friends, some of them seemed to have joined after she had to leave. "You're finally back, Y/N! Took you long enough!" Bombalurina laughed before pulling her into a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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