1. Befriending The New Boy

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Xingqiu was always a quite kid, the one that was always reading and doodling in his notebooks. He didn't have a huge friend group. It only consisted of Hu Tao, Xiangling and Yanfei. Yanfei and Hu Tao were sort of the couple of the group but they weren't dating, yet. They had an extremely obvious crush on each other but both were to scared to ask the other out. More about Xingqius school life, He sat at the back of class everyday, didn't disrupt, payed attention and did well in school. He would always get lunch with the girls and just eat in a quiet place with them and once he was done with his food he'd take one of the many books in his bag out and read.
Overall he was a good kid. On his desk there was an empty chair. No one sat there, it was just a spare chair that he would always put his bag on. One day whilst waiting for the teacher to come into class a new face had entered the room. He had short Icey blue hair with identical coloured eyes. He was gorgeous. He slowly approached Xingqiu.
"Uh hey, I'm Chongyun. I'm new here" he said stretching his arm out.
"Greetings! I'm Xingqiu." He grabbed his hand and shook it.
"So this is the only free chair, well.. If you were to move your bag" Chongyun laughed
"A-Ah yes! Sorry about that" Xingqiu scratched the back of his head and let out an awkward laugh.
The teacher eventually came in and the lessons started. Half Way through the lesson Chongyun whispered to Xingqiu.
"Psssst.. Pssst"
"can I draw on your hand?"
"Uhm, yea sure." he said rolling up his sleeve and offering his unoccupied hand to him.
"Boys! Keep it down please." the teacher piped up.
"Ah yes, sorry sir! It won't happen again " Xingqiu bowed his head down, giving an apologetic gesture. Chongyun just sat there. Xingqiu hit his knee against Chongyuns.
"apologies to him!" Xingqiu urged.
"Sorry" Chongyuns voice was unapologetic and slightly sarcastic. Xingqiu was dumbfounded because such a thing escaped a students mouth.
"No need to be so sarcastic about it!" Xingqiu rolled his eyes at Chongyun.
"Whatever. Anyway like I said I'm new I was wondering if you could help me know where everything is?" Xingqiu accepted his request and after class they walked around the school, Xingqiu showed Chongyun where certain classes were, where the bathrooms were and where the dining halls were. Pretty much everything he needed to know.
Chongyun and Xingqiu had every class together and sat next to each
other in every class. The next class started and Chongyun kept talking to the people around him and it was driving Xingqiu crazy.
"Hey can you shut up and pat attention I can't focus" Xingqiu tensed up
"Only because you asked SOOOOOO nicely I'll do it for your little nerdy ass" Chongyun laughed and Xingqiu joined him.
"Wanna get lunch with me and my friends later?" Xingqiu smiled.
"Cute smile, sure why not" Chongyun leaned back.
Xingqiu felt himself turn bright red. The bell rang meaning it was the end of class
Chongyun walked alongside Xingqiu to the dining hall and they met up with Hu Tao, Xiangling and Yanfei
"Who's this Xingqiu?" Hu Tao chimed in, staring at Chongyun.
"I'm Chongyun! I'm new here and Xingqiu is the person showing me around but I consider him more of a friend." Chongyun smiled.
Xingqiu hid his face in his hands. He felt all the girls smiling at him in a teasing way. They walked up to where they would always eat and sat down. Once lunch was over the group all split up except for Xingqiu and Chongyun.


It was the end of the day and Xingqiu was walking home until Chongyun appeared behind him
"Are you following me?" Xingqiu questioned
"Nope, I'm just going home."
Chongyun and Xingqiu were neighbours. They arrived at their houses and waved goodbye to each other. Once Xingqiu got inside his house he looked at his hand, mostly the part Chongyun 'drew' on. He went bright, bright, red.
"Xingqiu is everything ok?" His mum questioned.
"Yes! I'm perfectly fine" He ran upstairs, grabbed his phone and started punching something into his phones keypad.

Chongyun had wrote his number on Xingqius hand.

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