First Fight:

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Nathan: " I swear , Y/N ... you're getting too jealous, I cant take it nomore!" Nathan screamed as he threw his hands up in the air. You sat there wide eyed, taking in what Nathan was saying to you. " Well its not my fault you always have that slut around you!" You said making your way into the tv room. "That slut? Her name is Dionne! Yes, we dated but so what, that was a LONG time ago, but I cant be friends with a girl, just because I dated her... and you know what, if we were to break up, I dont think we ever could be friends ?" he agued back. Your heart tore in to pieces after hearing what you just heard come from your boyfriends mouth. You held back the pain that was built up and side you and said "Nathan, you dont see that she still has feelings for you, and obviously you do too,  if you want her, have her... because Im done here". You walked away with tearing streaming down you face. You ran to the bedroom and packed up your clothes. "Y/N .... baby, I didnt mean that... this is stupid, I can see where you coming from, I mean I could back off a little, I love you, and only you, you know?" , Nathan said as he wipe your tears away. "What?" You questioned.  He nudged under you chin to bring your face up to his and said  "Dionne never made me smile the way you do, she never made me get butterflies like you  do, I was barely heartbroken when wwe broke up , thats why were friends still, but with you, I would be so heartbroken and I would break down everytime I would look into your beautiful eyes, I love you. Please, please forgive me", he said with tears forming in his eyes. You kissed him passionately and hugged him. He kissed you on your forhead and helped you UNpack your bags.

Jay : It was 2 o'clock in the morning, you laid in bed, with the other side empty. It was just another night ,another excuse, and another drink to you. You were so sick of Jay coming home late hours, drunk, and then being hungover the next day, not wanting to do anything with anyone or anything, not even you. Finally you heard the door slammed shut, and a burp, that egoed that silence. Before Jay walked into the bedroom, you hurried and turned off the tv , and turned over onto your side, not wanting Jay to know you were awake. You heard Jay open the bedroom door and throw his stuff on the ground. He took of his clothing and plopped onto the bed, not even ignollaging that you were even there. You were a tad hurt, but you were used to it already. The next morining you woke up early, and made yourself breakfast. You walked into your bedroom looking at the drunken mess Jay was. You opened the curtains, with the bright sun beaming in, which lighted the whole room. " Close the damn curtains", He moaned in a grouchy tone. " Jay wake up, its 12o'clock , wake up." you said while pullin off his blankets. " Why are you so annoying", he mumbled. "Its not my fault you get drunk every night and wake up with a hangover, so dont start with me,James", you yelled. " Just leave then, damn.. I never asked you to be my babysitter, Im 22... I think I can handle my own problems, your always on my butt about this, just get out of my life" He said throwing your pilliow on the floor. You've been hurt by Jay before, but nothing prepared you for what he just said to you. You said no words, except for grabbing your stuff and walking out the door. You were speechless and hurt. You sat on the apartment steps and cried and cried, till the pain eased off. You kept replaying those same words over and over. You finally heard the door open, and felt hands wrap around you. "Get the heck away from me", you yelled as you swatted at him. " Listen, just listen,  what I said was messed up, and I was hungover and if I could have re done this whole thing I so would, And Im mean everything, Im tired of coming home late, and fighting with you, Im gonna change, I swear, Y/N, I couldnt live without you, You're my everything," He said with tears streaming down his red cheeks, he tried to stop but everylook at you he just kept pouring out, you looked in his eyes, and truely saw a changed man, you kissed him and wiped away his tears, and untill that day on he never came home, no later than 9:30

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