Break up over tour:

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Nathan: "Y/N? Can I talk to you?" he said over webcam. "Yes?" you said worried.  He sighed heavly, and rubbed his hands through his hair. " I think we need to take a break, just untill I get back, I love you, I really really do, I just cant leave you like this, you deserve someone who can give you all the attention in the world, you really do" He said trying not to breakout into tears. You could hear his voice cracking and breaking down. You just sat there heartbroken, but you knew his intentions were good, you just didnt want it to end so soon. " Maybe we can give a shot once you come back", you said trying to break a smile. "I hope so, I really do, I dont want to do this, I really dont but-" .... you interupted him and said, "Nath, dont worry about me, focus on what you have to do, and untill you get back, we'll see where everything takes us" , you said while a tear rolled down your face. "I love you, Y/N" , you gave him a half smile and ended the webchat.

Jay: Listen I think we need to breakup, Im sorry I have to do it this way but seeing your face or hearing your voice would make this impossible for me to do, I love you, but I cant handle missing you so much and just to know that you could have someone so much better than me, and someone who can actually kiss you on those soft lips and look deeply into those beautiful eyes, and do all the things I cant, maybe we will be together soon, but who knows what in store..I love you. ! Jay texted you. You couldnt believe what you just read.. you heart was falling deep into your stomach. You didnt text him back, or do anything for that matter, you had no words and no exspression, you kept re-reading the message over and over again, after being in shock, reality finally hit, you broke down into tears, and finally realize you just lost the one person you loved the most.

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