You're the Only one.....

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Nathan: " You're the only one who can get Nathan to calm down from his moods or breakdowns", Tom said as he patted you on the back. Nathan was pretty stressful and was having a hard time. And you were the only one to calm him down. Everyone would try but you were the ONE person out of everyone who could get him to speak. You and Nathan often had breakdowns infront of eachother just because, both of you knew eachother better than anyone else did.

Jay: " You're the only one who will watch AVATAR with me" , Jay texted to you. Nobody could watch it as much as you and Jay could. Everyone got sick of it after the second or third time, but not crazed fans like you two, you guys could watch it from 8am-8pm and still watch it the next day. And him being on tour, made it impossible to watch it together, so you and him got on skype and you watched it at home while he watched it on the bus.

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