"Im Pregnant......"

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Nathan: You woke up with terrible pains surrouding your stomach, you felt dizzy and you need to go to the restroom. You were puking for about an hour straight. You just thought to your self, I couldnt, I just couldnt. You took the pill, so you wouldnt know how or why, if you were pregnant. You were experiencing all the signs - headaces, missed period, morning sickness, breast pain, back aches, and stomach pain. Nathan woke up hearing you, he knocked on the door before entering. " Come in" you said in pain. "You alright, baby" he asked picking up your hair and rubbing your back. " "Yeah, just a little sickness, thats it."  As the day continued ou got better but still was getting pains everywhere, so you decided to get a test. You went to the doctor just to be 100% sure you were. You came home from the doctor, even more sicker than you were before. You started to sweat, and get nervous, as you waited for Nathan. You ran your finger through your hair, and sat on the bed. You heard the door slam shut, as your Nathan arrived in your bedroom with some medicine and some snacks. "Hi, love... how are- " You interrupted him and said " Nathan, Im pregnant.." You blurted out. He stood there in complete shock,  he dropped the bag of snacks and medicine. " Are- are you sure? Is it mine? Can we do this?"  "Nathan, im sure, 100%, I went to the doctor and Im experiencing all the symtoms, and Of course its yours nate." Nathan kissed you passionately. "Im soo excited, were gonna be great parents, I can already see Nathan Jr. running around here" he said while rubbing your tummy. " What if its a girl?" you questioned.  "Then we'll name is Natheena", he said laughing. "Oh boy.... whatever you say daddy nate." You said while patting his shoulder.

Jay: You woke up to have the urge to go puke, you felt sick to your stomach and felt like crap. You didnt have Jay around because he was at LA for the People Choice Awards. Youwere supposed to be his date but you felt to sick to go.  You were always feeling aches and pains lately and you had no clue why. You asked your closest friend, and she bought you a pregnancy test. As she was handing it to you, you gave her a look a grab it nervously. You went to the bathroom and once you were done with it, you had to wait 2 mins. for the results.  Those 2mins felt like 2hours for you. The waiting was aganizing for you, thoughts were running through your head, and you felt more sick to your stomach and you puke right inside the toilet. After cleaning up you heard a beep. You hesitated to pick it up, you slowly grabbed it and closed your eyes. As soon as it was fully in your hands you counted to three and opened your eyes. You walked out the bathroom and slowly made your way to the kitchen. "WHATS THE RESULTS" your friend screamed. You went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Helllooo?" your friend said unpaitently. " Does this give you a hint you said?"  You had a watermelon up your shirt making the impression that there was a baby. "YOUR HAVING A BABY!!!!!!!" she screamed. "I gotta tell Jay!" you yelled. You took a picture of you and your watermelon stomach and the test and sent it to Jay.  As Jay  was arriving on stage,  to recieve his award. He got the text, as he read it and understood what you were trying to say, he jumped up, and grabbed the mike. " IM HAVING A BABY, IM GONNA BE A DAD, I gotta go, thanks for the award by the way. He ran off the stage and got to the hotel as soon as possible. The boys stood there in shock... after they recieved the award, they came to the hotel to celebrate.

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