Chapter 6

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I was so happy to actually fulfill a dream! Well not yet but I'm close!
The next day I saw the girl lead a big muscled black stallion his name is Cobalt he was the most handsome stallion I've ever seen and also guess what...
3 years later...
Me and Cobalt are put in a pen together no one else! He said "Hey what's your name" I replied "I'm Snickers" he said "cool name, mine's Cobalt"
11 months 14 days later...
"Awwww, it's so cute" I had colt (young male horse) my little foal (baby horse) is chestnut and black patched little cutie! And Cobalt is a proud father now all we need is a name!
"Wait I got it!" Said Lily (the girl) "Denver!" I shook my head yes so my foal's name is Denver
Me and Cobalt are now...parents! Yay, this was not one of my big dreams but it works! I guess.

Hey Guys and Gals um the next chapter is going to be really long I promise!!!

Remember to check out my YouTube channel horses rock2906 or if that don't work my crazy cat Pepper is what you can search any way next chapter is gonna be real long!!!

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