The Advert

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Sitting at my desk, I flick through the notepad of jobs that I have to do today.

Order service parts for the Renault. Find the tyre sizes for the Volvo. Place the advert for the new mechanic.

I have a stack of invoices on my desk too that I have to file into the book keeping software on the computer. I can sense this is going to a busy day today.

I open up the job agency website and click on 'add advert' with my arrow.

"Experienced Mechanic wanted" I mutter under my breath as I type. "Willing to work as part of a team as well as on their own.
Must have experience with servicing vehicles,
dealing with suppliers and customers, hard working and not afraid to get dirty"

I look at the advert for a moment and wonder if I can add anything else. It's pretty self explanatory. We just need an extra pair of hands so I just add the office number and click 'post'.

That's one job done for the day. I smile and pen a little tick next to that job in my notebook.
I look up at the clock.
Enough time to make a coffee and get to work on those invoices.

As I stand waiting for my mug to fill up from the high tech machine, I hear footsteps behind me.

"Have you posted the job advert yet?"

I turn around and the owner of the garage is stood there with his empty mug. His name is Harry. This garage is his pride and joy and he has trusted me to help him run it with him.

I've known Harry for about 20 years. He's an old family friend. Him and my father used to go watch the football together when they were teenagers and have been close friends ever since.

Harry is a middle aged man, balding on top with grey whispy hair sticking out from the sides. He's a round shape type of guy. Belly out in front that makes his overalls tight around his waist. He does remind me of my father alot, same age, same looks. I suppose that's why I get along so well with him. I see him as a work father figure.

He's a kind man. When I was made redundant from the insurance firm three years ago, he gave me a part time job helping out in the office. Now it has led to me being in charge of all aspects of the garage. He really did help me when I was lost and had no money.

"Yes, I've just posted the advert now so fingers crossed we can get some more help around here" I replied

Harry had asked me to search for a new mechanic as he was wanting to take a step back from the manual work of the garage. He does employ two other guys, James and Lee but wants a third so the work load is more manageable.

"Brilliant, I will leave you in charge of finding the right candidate then" he smiled

"That's fine by me" I chirped "Now let me refill that mug"

He hands over his coffee mug and I place it next to mine under the machine. Push the button for black coffee and watch it pour out of the tiny spout.

"Here is your coffee" I said with a grin "Now I should get back to the office"

I grab my coffee and walk past Harry, out of the small lunch room and across the garage floor to my office that is situated in a room in the corner of the building.

I walk in and smell the fresh lillies that I brought in this morning. I do like to add a little feminine touch to this place as I'm the only woman who works here.

I sit down on my chair and pull myself in. Place my coffee mug down on the coaster and let out a little sigh.

"Ok, let's gets started" I think to myself and I reach for my pen and note pad

Just as my nib touches the paper, the phone begins to ring. It's probably a customer calling to book their car in for work or to ask for some advice on the smallest of problems.

I pick up the handset

"Good Morning, Meadowhall Garage here, how may I help you?" I politely say down the speaker.

"Erm, yes, hello. I'm calling about the advert for a new mechanic" came the reply

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