Chapter one: Julia

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the snow fell silently outside my bedroom window, candles burned brightly, illuminating the room in a warm amber tone. giggling slipped through the lips of my little sister, as she watched me attempt some kind of interpretive dance (mostly just flailing my arms and legs around). and she hugged her doll - Jane - tighter. I was trying to distract her from the hell that was being unleashed outside my bedroom door:

our mother was yelling at our aunt.


my little sister looked frighted, horrified even. as she intently kept her eyes on my bedroom door, waiting for one of the lionesses to burst through. I sat next to her on the bed. "look, Julia. no matter what happens, I will always love you." I hugged Julia, as tears began to fill her eyes. "t-they're gonna take you away. aren't they, Dolly?" Julia sobbed into my shoulder. "no, I would never let them take me away from you." I hugged her tighter. "never?" she pulled away from me. "never." I smiled.

•one hour later •

"DOROTHY!!! OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR!!!!" Julia and I jumped up at the sound of our mother banging on my door, thus demolishing our lego tower. "GO AWAY!!!" Julia held onto me. "DOROTHY!!! OPEN THIS DOOR OR SO HELP ME I WILL-"  "PLEASE!!! STOP!!!" Julia pleaded. "OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR OR I'LL TAKE AWAY JANE!!!" my mother threatened. Julia hid herself beneath my bed. "please." Julia cried, holding her doll closer to her chest. "thats enough." I got up walked over to the door. "DOLLY!!! DON'T!!" my sister got out from beneath the bed, and latched onto my arm. "it's going to be okay" I pasted on a smile, trying to fight back the tears that were stinging my eyes.

I opened the door. "get your things." my mother said sternly, walking back down the cold, empty hall. "yes, mother." I grabbed my suitcase from my closet and begun to pack everything I could fit. "here. take Jane." Julia placed her doll into my suitcase. "no, I can't take Jane. she needs you. only a very sick person would take something like that from someone." I put her doll back into her hands. "they're taking you from me." she sniffled. I didn't know how to respond to that honestly. I just kept packing.

•a few minutes later•

"dolly! please don't go!!!" Julia begged me, tugging on my sleeve. "I have to go, Jules. or else they'll take you instead." I closed the two suitcases I had packed, and placed them on the floor. "you're my best friend." she hugged my leg. I sighed "look, now that I'll be out of the house. you could buy more clothes for Jane. and you wouldn't have to eat cabbage soup everyday. it's better this way." I smiled. "how long will you be gone for?" she sniffled "don't worry! I'll be back before you know it. now go to bed, it's getting late." I plastered on a smile and hugged her. knowing very well I'd be gone for a while. "you'll wake me up before you go?" she looked up at me. I nodded "I will."  she then said 'goodnight' and went into her bedroom.

just then...

my aunt prudence, walked in. fully clad in her silk nightie and robe. "Dorothy, we leave tomorrow at 5:00am sharp. and if you're not up; I will drag you out of that bed by your hair." she threatened. her Scouse accent was thicker, because of the wine glass in her hand. "you don't need to worry! I'll be up." I smiled. "good." she walked out and into the guest bedroom where she was staying for her short visit. 

I laid down on my bed, the thin cotton sheets greeted me with unsuspected warmth. I set my alarm clock for 4:00am. I needed plenty of time to get ready and make sure I had everything. I got beneath my covers, and blankly stared at the ceiling for a minute. I turned over to my side, and blew out the remaining candle. leaving me in complete and utter darkness. 'I hope it's not  this dark at aunties house' I thought to myself, as I slowly drifted off into a pleasantly dark void of sleep.


I hope you liked it!!!! I thought I posted this yesterday along with the prologue. but obviously I didn't. so next chapter this Saturday!!!

all my loving,    Claire<3

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