New Friends

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Here's the next chapter. 

Also, my friend enderdragonprincess from deviantart made me an ocs Leviathan named Aquamarine (mother) and Cymopoleia (daughter).

Kaila was at the beach near the Jurassic World beach. Her hatchlings were somewhere in the park and she wasn't allowed there because she might step on a human or two. Letting out a low rumble, Kaila rested her head on the sand of the beach and closed her eyes. There were many humans at a distance. They were all looking in shock and amazed to see her. Some were even brave enough to come a bit closer to take some pictures. Kaila just ignores them. She just wanted to see her hatchlings again. Even though she barely knows them, she felt like she knows them for eternity.

Val and Quinn were in the control room where everyone was looking at the screen. They watched as some tourists were taking pictures of Kaila and some were brave enough to do a selfie near her head. There was a dead silence until Lowery broke it, "It could be worst."

Claire gives him a look, "Could be? Lowery, there's a giant mutant Komodo dragon on the beach and many tourists are even enjoying themselves with her."

Owen shrugs, "Well, I for one, agree with Lowery here. I mean, who would've want to be with a giant mutated creature?" Val was about to raise her hand but Owen lifts his index finger and said, "Besides you, Val." Val brings her hand down. Masrani looks at the screen as he watched tourists gather around her and take some family pictures.

Jay, a human and raptor hybrid, looks at the screen and said, "The tourists seem happy when Kaila showed up."

Alex, a blond and light blue eyes girl, said, "I think she'll make a good tourist attraction."

Everyone nodded in agreement. The two girls went out and headed towards the beach with Owen, Marco and some guards. Once they reach to the beach, they saw Kaila letting some kids poke her. Kaila opens one of her eyes and saw her hatchlings coming to her. Crooning happily, Kaila lifts her head and the little ones squealed in delight as they runaway towards their mothers. The two girls reached to Kaila and the giant Komodo dragon nuzzles them with a croon. Many tourists took pictures of that. They were amazed to see a giant mutant being gentle with kids. Simon looks at Kaila and then to Carl Dale an old man scientist, "I hope you can figure out what she'll eat Mr. Dale."

Carl chuckles and nodded, "I have a friend that can help me."

In a few months, Kaila lives in Jurassic World. She builds her lair under a cliff. It is like a sea cave, a really big sea cave. Wu and Carl would study here and her abilities. Quinn and Val would play with Kaila when they have free time. Carl called a friend named Melba Green to make special seaweed for Kaila to eat so she won't eat all the meats or fishes in the park. Kaila was even introduced to all the dinosaurs in the park last night. The Hybrids and Raptors were amaze to see a really big dinosaur in their home and welcomed her.

Kaila became the new attraction on the park. Many tourists would go to beach to see her. The children would pet her and they were even allowed to ride on her. Kaila became famous just like that. Val and Quinn would visit her everyday so she won't be lonely and some nights they go camping with the raptors and hybrids so she won't have to sleep alone.

Then one day, they will have a new member in the family.

Val and Quinn were going to Scotland to watch the highland games with the D-Squad members. Carl came along because he had a good student at Scotland. Her name is Allie McGreen. She is a scientist in studying the aquatic creatures and purification of water. Their driver dropped them off at the Drumnadrochit village. There was a woman with brown hair and onyx eyes.

She waved at them, "Walcome to Drumnadrochit." She spoke in a Scottish accent, "A'm so glad to finally met ya. Ma name's Allie McGreen but ye can call me Allie." Allie looks at Carl and smiles, "Ah! Professor Dale, it's been donkies since A last saw ye."

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