Never mess with a Spirit

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Here's the next chapter of the mutant story. Some parts are base in Moana movie. And I was a rookie writer back then. I hope you like it.

Gem was riding on the backseat of Owen's jeep with Val, Flora, Cuddles, and Monica. Ingrid was running beside them while Summer flies from above.

Owen was driving the jeep towards the Raptor paddock. Gem wears a Jurassic World T-shirt that Owen bought her before taking her to the paddock. Once they reach it, they got out. Ingrid walks to them and stops as she lies down and let Monica and Cuddles off of her. They went to Gem and Val as Owen called, "Mike! Jay! Come down here! I want you two meet someone!"

Two males came down the stairs and look at Gem. Owen points at the blonde, "Gem, this is Michael Jones but you can call him Mike." Mike waves at her with a kind smile, "And that's Jay." Owen points at the male with sunglasses, "Guys, this is Gemstone Crystal Grady aka my second niece."

"You have a second niece? I thought Val was you only niece?" Mike looks at Gem in shock.

"Well, it a long story, you see it all started like this..." Owen voice trailed off as he explains the events to Mike. Gem looks at Jay and Jay looks at her.

"Are you one of Mortem's experiments?" Gem whispers out. She could feel his aura and it was cold.

Jay tilts his head, "Si, I was his experiment but I broke out," he said, "You're the new one that I heard. Your name was named Experiment Z. you were the strongest one."

Gem blushes a little, "Ye-yeah..."

"Wait, you two know each other?" Owen asked in shock as he broke off the conversation as he looks at the two.

"I only heard of her but I never seen her. She and I were both studied by Mortem and also were force to fight some creatures that was never supposes to be born," Jay said, "It started when I was still a prisoner of Mortem."


Seventeen year old Jay was fighting off a T-Rex. Mortem was watching him on monitor along with other scientist and Marco. Jay just finished killing the T-Rex and roared in Triumph.

Mortem turned to a scientist, "Bring in a red Xenomorph."

Jay was growling at his kill until a hidden door opens up from a wall and a creature came out. It was red with a large curved oblong head with ridges, and it stands around 7–8 feet tall on its hind legs. It got a long, muscular tail and no eyes.

 It got a long, muscular tail and no eyes

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It growls at Jay and Jay growls back. The two let out a roar and tackled each other. Jay grabbed its head and slams it to the ground. He bangs it on the ground hard again and again. Green acidic blood spilled on its mouth and Jay's armor skin to prevent him from getting hurt. Jay grabs the creature's head and twisted it, killing it instantly. Jay drops the head and stand up before roaring in triumph again. Mortem laughs at the scene, "Experiment X is getting stronger. He killed that Xenomorph in a second...Bring in the Queen."

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