New Friends and Lost Cousin

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Val was watching the I-Rexes and Spinos relaxing at their home. She was at the window watching them. She feels safe when she's around them. When she's around with her friends and family, she could feel a bond but with other people that she didn't befriend yet. They feel like total strangers to her. She doesn't tell anyone about this because she feels like she doesn't belong with the people here and her heart tells her to be somewhere else. Val touched the glass with her hands and looks at her reflection. She looks like a regular little girl but inside she has abilities that were unknown to man kind and she wanted answers.

Then Nick came in and went beside Val. He and his team lives at Jurassic World now since Godzilla wouldn't leave his new family so they have to move. Simon didn't mind. After all, Godzilla made more attractions when Quinn, Val and Aggie ride on him. The HEAT team's base is a log cabin that has many computers and technology that was provided by Simon and it was at a cliff. Randy likes there new base since it has many new stuff. Nick became partners with Carl and Wu. Mendel and Randy made friends Lowery and Vivian since they know machines and computers. Elsie and Monique became friends Claire.

Let's just say things at Jurassic World are very calm, sort of.

Nick looks at Val and said, " raised Ivy and Iris?" he asked, trying to make a conversation with the little girl. He got a small nod from Val as she watched her hybrids resting. Nick felt awkward around her as if she was from another planet.

Nick was about to speak when Elsie came in, "Nick! We got a call from Hicks in North America saying about giant vines growing on towns."

Nick nodded, "Tell the team to get ready." He said before glancing down at Val, "You stay here with Quinn and Aggie. We'll be back."

Val tilts her head and nodded. Nick and Elsie left and went to the base. Val went to the door that leads to the paddock. She opens it and closed behind. She went downstairs and goes over to the hybrids and went over to a sleeping Assassin. He looks like an average Spinosaurus, but he is incredibly larger, about 17.5 feet tall. He has dark red scales all over his body and black ridge on his sail. His eyes are also dark red. His brother Hunter shows the resemble more of a Baryonyx with a sail on his back. He is about 17 feet in height. He has dark green scales and eyes, with the same black ridge on his sail.

Val went to Assassin and climbs on his muzzle. Assassin woke up and watched Val climbing on his muzzle before sleeping. Grunting, Assassin went to sleep again. He didn't mind Val on his muzzle. She's like a warm blanket.

At a forest in North America, the town's people were leaving and the houses were filled with vines. HEAT team came and investigates. Randy let out a whistle, "Looked at all these vines,"

Nick saw Hicks coming out from the jeep, "Good to see you Worm-Guy."

Nick nodded, "What happen here?"

"Couple months ago, there was a laboratory up on that mountain. They were part of a research group that was trying to make fertilizer to make plants grow faster but the experiment gone wrong and it caused this." He gestured the vines.

Nick nodded and went to the vines. He removes a leaf from it and in a few seconds a new leaf grew. He mutters out, "Interesting..." he turns to his team, "Let's find out more about this weed."

They nodded and search of the mutated plant. But they didn't know that on a cliff a black paw stepped close to the edge. It revealed to be a black male wolf but bigger like a dire wolf. His eyes were scarlet red as he looks at the humans bellow. He turns and walks away towards the shadow of the trees. Bellow the town, the vines began to turn dark green and started to grow more.

Back on Jurassic World, Val woke up in a snap and sat up. She looks down to see Assassin fully awake. She pressed her forehead at his and whispered something. Assassin listens before slowly stood up with Val on his snout before walking towards the exit. He lowers his snout and Val got off before patting him gently as she went to keypad and dial the numbers. Once she did, she wave Assassin before going out while the gate closes behind her. Val brought her whistle to her mouth and blows. An Inostrancevia alexandri with grayish brown fur with black dots on each of her sides of her body and eyes that are yellow came and lay down. Val gets on her and she runs off towards the beach. She saw Aggie and Quinn withCymopoleia on the water. Cymopoleia was sleeping while Aggie and Quinn were resting on her back.

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