A Frenemy

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At space, there was a space ship that is filled with alien like prisoners. Inside the prison ship, there was an explosion. Many guards and drones were going to the source of the explosion. Then hidden shadow, a young boy that appears to be thirteen emerges out from the shadow.

He has black hair but the left side is shaved. His eyes are dark brown and they look like tiger eyes. He wears black and red clothes. The boy grins, revealing his canine like teeth, before running off. He hides behind a wall when guards run past the boy. The boy peeks before running towards a room that has many confiscated things. He grabbed an alien like dagger and a pouch.

He sprinted towards another room that has many ships. He sneaked into one and activates it before taking off. The boy laughs happily until something almost shot his ship. He turns and glares to see security ships chasing him. He then readied hyper space and grins when the ships moved away from him. He uses the hyper speed and his ship was moving so fast that its destination was heading to earth.

Val and her Uncle Owen were riding on Kaila with Marco, Quinn and Aggie as well as the raptor squads, hybrids, Ingrid, Monica, Summer, Flora, and Cuddles. The D-Squad members were riding on Cymopelia while the HEAT Team was riding on Godzilla. Gem was surfing at the water. She's guiding them to the Island of Forgotten. She can turn into a leviathan and she swims fast. It took two days to get there since it's really mysterious. Then they saw a huge island.

Everyone got off the mutants and Gem turns back to her human form. She guides them through the jungle. Gem was been raised by the dinosaurs that live here and taught her everything she needs to survive.

Once they were out of the jungle, they were in a clearing that has a really, really long and big mountain that looks like a lady sleeping.

"Where are we?" Mike asked.

Gem looks at him and smiles, "We're at Avani's home." Then Gem took a deep breathe and yells happily, "I'M HOME!" her voice echoed through the whole island. Then the ground started to shake.

Everyone watched as many dinosaurs of different species came. They all went to Gem and were really happy to see her. Gem made weird happy grunts, purrs, growls and huffs. Then they move away to make a path for a female Indominus Spino. Her scales are ocean blue, her underbelly is a darker sapphire blue and her sail is a sea-foam blue color with crystal blue streaks in it along with crystal blue specks on her back and her eyes are a iridescent sky blue rimmed with deep sea blue.

"MISU!" Gem smiles happily. She hugs the hybrid's snout.

Everyone stares at Misu in shock. Jay, on the other hand, wasn't shock. He sees Assassin and Hunter a lot so he wasn't always surprise. "Well, this is interesting." Jay mutters out. They stared at him. Why isn't he shock about this?!

Then a female came. She has dark teal scales with a pale blue green underbelly and dark almost black blue tiger stripes on her body and turquoise teal scales on her back she has amber reddish eyes rimmed with turquoise green.

Gem lets go of Misu and smiles at the , "Laika!" she giggles as the name Laika gives her a big lick. Then a female Archeopteryx glides down and perch herself at Gem's shoulder. "Hello Arsenica," Gem smiles.

Arsenica has dark grey feathers/scales with ombrae to a neon turquoise green at the tips of her wing feathers, crest, and tail. She also has slight specks of black in her feathers and scales her eyes are an aquamarine color rimmed with blue green grey.

"Gem, you have a lot of dinosaur friends." Alex spoke in awe.

Gem smiles and nodded, "Yup, they are the ones who take care me with the help of Kaimana and Avani."

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