Chapter 6: Conspicuous

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A Cheshire cat. That's what he looked like from where Rachel stood. He spelled mischief with his lips without opening them.

Jason knows his thoughts about her now isn't congruent with his assessment of her just last night that he wasn't able to stop the smile that formed on his face. He should have taken his own advice. Nothing should be deemed final until it actually is.

Maintaining eye contact, he lifted a finger and placed it on his cheek. Sending her an unspoken message. He watched as her eyes grew in horror while she mirrored his movement.

It didn't take a second before his laughter filled the room. The HAHAs bounced on the walls and later spread in echoes. He can't believe she fell for it even if he hoped she will. Maybe his stay at the manor until Bruce approves his leave will not be as boring as he thought.

"What the fuck!?" Rachel blurted out. For a second she really believed she bled as a result of the boomerang grazing her cheek. Realizing that an expletive forced its way out of her lips, her hands flew to her mouth to cover it.

"Language miss Roth," Jason said, his finger waving in the air to indicate disapproval. He just learned saying it was actually fun. It's nice that it was addressed to someone else for a change.

"What are you!? Nine!?" she responded. Jason can tell he riled her up good. Her eyebrows met at the center, she's obviously mad. 

"Teen," he replied. "What!?" she asked, her tone not going down one bit. "There's supposed to be a teen there somewhere," he continued to jest.

Rachel couldn't help but roll her eyes at his response. "You're not even funny," she said. "I wasn't trying to be," he corrected. She can see the amusement on his face didn't falter. In fact, it grew. And she had mixed feelings about it.

Jason mentally pat himself on the back. He knows she pursed her lips because he made her do it. "So, what brings you here sunshine?" he sincerely asked as he went back to hitting the heavy bag -- something he was doing before she arrived -- with his bare fists. He didn't get a reply.

The room was quiet except for the sound his punches made. It wasn't until a few minutes have passed when he heard her heavily sigh even as the bag made noise as he hit it. He can distinctly recognize that sound anywhere. It's the sound of resignation. One he makes himself quite often. And even more frequenty than that, a sound that is addressed to him.

Against his own volition, his fists dropped to his sides. Even a stranger gives up on him. "Isn't it too early to throw in the towel?" he asked as he managed to put a smile on his face. 

No. It wasn't for her so she could feel comfortable to share her thoughts with him. It was for him. So he could protect himself from anything she would say that might break him.

He knows she couldn't possibly have anything in her to hurt him considering she's only known him for less than two days. But he also knew himself to be someone who manages to get under people's skin as easily and as quickly as any person can blink their eyes.

"I'm grateful that I get to stay here for free," Rachel admitted bitterly. "...but that doesn't give you the right to be a shitty host," she supplied, keeping her emotions in check even if she's really pissed off. Her tone became even, and she hoped she was able to school her features back to normal.

"You know I wasn't really going to hurt you with that piece of steel right?" Jason responded as he pointed towards the display shelves. "Come on sunshine, I know you're no push over like you'd want everyone else to believe," he pressed. If she was calling out his bullshit, then he's going to call out hers.

"You don't know me," Rachel scoffed. "And you know me?" Jason clapped back. "I know you're nineteen," she responded. "Grow up."

Jason watched as she turned on her heels to leave the room. If he was mad about not having the last say about that heated exchange, he didn't show it. Instead, he shrugged his shoulders -- like he always did when he wants to ignore the hapless situation -- and went back to his activity. Only until he found himself chasing after her.

"You sure you know your way back?"

Rachel stopped on her tracks. Was her mind too preoccupied that she didn't even hear him coming? And here she thought their exchange already ended.

"I'm sure I can find it," she responded, not even honoring him a glance. "I even find things I don't want to see," she added as she started walking again.

"Such as?" Jason asked. In truth, he's wondering why he even bothered. It's not like he wanted conversation with her and he certainly didn't have anything to say in the first place.

"Confusing as fuck athletic jackass who probably wears black cotton shirts to look," Rachel paused, shrugging as she kept walking. "I don't know, cool or something which actually does the opposite," she finished.

If she was confused about him, she was more confused of herself. Did she really keep too much to herself that now she's like a time bomb that reached its detonation stage? She has never spat profane words before but now it's fluidly coming out of her mouth as if she would die if she didn't.

"Says the girl who wears black to look angsty. Whatever you ate at dinner, I sure as hell won't be eating," Jason replied. Damn! His mouth can't shut up. Yes, it's can't. Involuntary, like the beating of one's heart. It stops only when the person dies.

"By the way you're speaking, I find it hard to believe you were the same person I met yesterday. You need to get yourself checked," he continued. "You know? Like by a fucking priest."

That's it!

Rachel stopped on her tracks and turned to face him without much thought, not realizing he was trailing very close behind her. Instinctively, she put her hand up to halt his movement -- seeing how close they were -- so they won't collide with each other. She will take it to her grave the fact that she was amazed by his quick reflex, hightailing it a few steps which left her pushing against air however, rendering her off balance. Unfortunately.

"I got you sunshine," she heard Jason say as she felt his hand wrap her arm in a tight grip. He hoisted her back on her feet in no time like she was paper.

"Do I get a thank you or nah?" Jason asked as soon as he was sure she's stably standing. He couldn't understand why he's acting the way he's acting in front of her. He had always been trying to stand out and get everyone's attention. But everyone, did not include strangers.

He could have just let her be as soon as she's settled. Yet he just couldn't allow himself to stop interacting with her. Even if she was kind of a pain earlier.

You asked for it didn't you? Didn't you provoke her?

No, he couldn't let the conversation stop just yet. Not now. Not when he's seeing her up close for the first time.

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