Finding Drake

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I run out after Dylan, but he's much taller and much faster than I am his long legs definitely give him an advantage. I run to catch up and catch him by his arm out of breath, he turns around his gray eyes almost black and I step back. I've never seen him so angry. "D-Dylan?" My voice soft I brush his arm and he looks away closing his eyes sighing. "Dylan what's going on?" I plead. He looks at me and brings my small body to his large chest. I take in his scent. He always smells so good. I close my eyes taking in the moment and we stay like this for a long time.

Finally when he pulls away he brushes his shaggy hair out of his face, his eyes softer now. "Drake. Trevor Drake." I look at him confused. "Andrea. Trevors middle name is Drake. But he used to go by it until a few years ago. I never new why..." he trails off. I shake my head. "Dylan. They can't be the same people." He lowers his head and laughs. "Yeah. Yeah, at first I thought that to." He looks into my eyes stepping closer. I refuse to move. " But then you told me about that family. And I new. He's told that story over and over. Only a few details where added." I look away. H-how can this be. It can't be. But as I recall that night I only see that woman die. I didn't even see the man I only heard him.

"Dylan. What does this mean? He's been using me? Why would he do that. Why would he be working for my father? This makes no since..." Dylan shakes his head and you can tell he's deep in thought. Like his trying to search for a memory or even a sign. Eventually he sighs. "Andrea, I don't know." We move to a bench near by under a large shaded tree, Dylan turns to me pulling me closer. He's very touchy today. Not that I'm really complaining. He runs his hand through my hair as he begins to speak again. "See Trevor moved in with me and my sister when he was 16 right after his parents where murdered." I tense at the words. I was the reason his mom and dad where dead. As if reading my mind Dylan forces me to look at him, "There death was not your fault AJ. So stop blaming yourself for your fathers fucked up bull shit." I nod my head and this satisfies him enough to finish where he left off. "At first me and Trevor didn't really get along. He had this huge thing for my sister and I just didn't like it. Over time though he started opening up. He talked about this girl he used to know, but never gave me a name. He went on and on about how beautiful and smart she was. How her smile lit up an entire room." He sighs, "And how every time she had to go home her attitude changed. And every morning she walked out with a new bruse or random blood seeped through her clothes. He talked about how pissed he was when he found video of his father raping her..."

My mouth gets dry. W-what! His gray eyes meet mine and I snap away as a tear slides down my cheek. "He confronted his father about it after school one day. After he had walked her home. After... He gave her, her first real kiss."  I nod unable to form words. It was him. How? After all this time how? "He told me his mom couldn't believe her ears. That's when he lunged at his father and started beating the shit out if him. Asking him why and who else had hurt her. Trevor had already called CPS but That's when his father mentioned your father. Saying he'd been doing it to you for years, that you where nothing but trouble. Trevor thought he killed his father. And he hugged his mom crying and ran. Right after that there was a loud gun fire and he said he stopped on his tracks turned around to see your father dragging you into the house, your screams rang through his ears and then the house went up in flames. He thought your father killed you in the fire to."

I look up still so confused. "That still doesn't explain why he's talking to my father and making deals." Dylan stands up angry once again. "You know I told him he was lucky." He laughed. "Lucky to find someone like that do young, that made him feel that way. And I even felt bad for him." I stand up hugging him. "Now I know what he meant. Because you don't just light up a room AJ. You're the only light I see in this world." I pull away to see a sparkle in his eye, and before I can react he leans down our faces inches apart pushing my hair out of my eyes, and kisses me.

Electricity shoots through my body as I melt into him. My knees grow week but he holds me tighter. When he pulls away we're breathless. He rests his head against mine. "AJ, I don't know what we are, or what you want us to be. But I can't keep going around pretending that I don't feel something for you. All I think about is you and I'm gonna do everything to keep you safe." With that more tears fall and I slam my lips into his taking in the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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