Silence Before Strom

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??- come again sir *huff
Going and sitting at a chair*

??- can this day get any more tired

??- i definitely didn't think that this day would have been so much tiring

??- tell me something that i don't know because we have never gotten this much customer in a day

??- well leave about it let's talk about the party that we are going tomorrow

??- it's you and the others not we got it

??- hey common man you can't be serious you need to enjoy your life freely

(Any guesses on these two)

(It is)

Shub - no Rishu i am not going anywhere i already told you i don't like drinking and smoking

Rishu - yaar it's not like i drink or smoke we are all just going there for dance and maybe some hook up

Shub - *while getting up* no no no Rishu i will only give my virginity to love of my life you do know na

Rishu - i no but having some fun in your life won't harm you

*Sound of the doorbell*

Shub - welcome sir what can I help you *head bowed because he is registering some amounts of the things in the register*

*Throat clearing*

Shub - *looks up* ye- you guys what are you all doing here i thought you all might be working or something

(Yes it's there other friends)

Jassi - we thought why not surprise you both

Yuzi - so we are here with some tasty food *putting his hand up which was carry some foods*

Bhuvi - what were you two talking about because we can clearly hear all your talks from outside

Rishu - oh we were talking about the party that is tomorrow

Jassi - what about it Rishu didn't we already told you that all of us will go

Rishu - i remember you did but shub told me he is not coming

Yuzi - why shub it will be fun you will get a break from your stressful life

Shub - i don't want to because of the loud music smell of alcohol and smoke and everyone above each other

Bhuvi - common don't be a part popper let's go pls

*All of them showing there puppy eyes*

Shub - * groaning* uhh ok fine I will come with you all but if i don't like it there then I will go

*Cheering sound*

Rishu - thank you for saying yes * hugging him tightly*

Shub - k k k now leave me you smell like shit *holding his nose*

Rishu - *smelling himself* i don't your nose is blocked

Jassi - k k k guy's let's eat or our food will get cold

All - ok

*All of them eat while talking happily but they didn't know that this is the silence before Strom*


Sorry for the mistakes 😭 pls don't forget to comment and vote saranghae 💜 purple you all 🇮🇳

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