Making a DEAL

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A mansion where there is to much of silence that you can hear the birds chirping
Five people are sitting on sofa in front of the dealers making a deal
                            H      V
                            K       R
Hardik:- so what's the deal about

Dealer:- it's a deal about the red diamond

Shreyas:- wait Rohit isn't that the red diamond we are trying to find for such a long time

Rohit:- well yes

Hardik:- but why are we trying to even find the red diamond when we can have any diamond

Rahul:- hardik that diamond is very rare it is more costly then the other diamonds

Virat:- why are you trying to make a deal with us is there any plan behind this deal because if we get to know then you will not see the tomorrow's sunrise

Dealer:- no no sir there is no planning behind this why will I try to set myself as a bait if I know how dangerous you all are

Rohit*while getting up from his seat*:- so why are you making deal with us if you know how dangerous we all are

Dealer:- because it's order from my boss saying that he want his and your gang to merge so that you all can be more powerful

Rahul*chuckling*:- doesn't your boss already know that we are the most powerful in this field

Dealer:- he knows that's why he wants to merge his gang with yours but there is benefit also

Shreyas*raising his eyebrows*:- what's the benefit in merging your gang with ours

Dealer:- you will get more gang members and weapons

Hardik:- we already have way to much of gang members and about weapons we can buy any weapons we want so I don't think it's a great deal

Virat:- k but we want to meet your boss before we say yes to deal

Rahul:- but Virat

Virat*directing his gaze to Rahul*:- no but Virat let's see who there boss is then we will decide*moving his gaze to the dealer* but if we get to know it's a trap then you better find a safe place to hide because then we will hunt you down and kill you

Dealer*gulping in fear*:- y-yes sir y-you should stay r-relaxed it's not a t-t-trap

Rohit:- good so when are we gonna meet your boss

Dealer:- sir you can meet him today in xxx down right Street in xxxx bar at 8 o'clock

Hardik:- k you can go

Dealer:- thank y-you sir *while getting up from his seat and going towards the the door*

Shreyas:- do you think he was telling the truth

Rahul:- I don't think so he was telling the truth because he was stuttering so much when he was speaking

Hardik:- Virat Rohit do we have to go what if it's a trap

Rohit*looking smugly at hardik*:- do you want everyone else to call us coward

Hardik:- NOOOOOO

Rohit:- so we have to go and carry your weapons now go get ready because you all three take more time than us also

Shreyas, Rahul, Hardik*doing saluting pose*:- aye aye sir *marching away to their rooms*

Rohit:- Virat what are you thinking

Virat:- did I do the right thing by making the deal don't you think I have put all of us in danger

Rohit:- Virat stop overthinking and no you didn't put our lives in danger by making the deal our lives are always in danger from the day we joined mafia so stop making your brain work so much because you only have a small brain in between all of us

Virat*glaring at Rohit*:- what did say

Rohit*ready to run*:- you have a small brain

Virat*taking his slipper in hand ready to hit Rohit*:- ROHIT YOU BETTER RUN FOR YOUR LIFE

Rohit:- oh shit

Both running in the house one trying to hit and other trying to doge

Hardik:- I thought I was the childish one here but nope all of us are childish off work

Shreyas:- let's get ready guys

Rahul:- yup are you both gonna go in that type of clothes

Virat, Rohit*huffing*:- no

Rahul:- then go get ready

Virat:- k

Rohit:- whatever

All of them going into there room to get changed not knowing that they are gonna meet their childhood lover's

Hey guys 😅
I know you all must be angry that I am uploading it after one year I was trying to focus on my 11th class exam now I am focusing on my 12th exam
So please bear with me
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Saranghae 💜

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