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Bhuvi:- are you guys ready or not

Shub:- wait a minute Bhai

Jassi:- coming down in a minute

Yuzi:- coming yaar just wait

Rishu:- wow for the first time I am not late

Bhuvi:- come downstairs quickly guys or else we won't be able to catch the bus and if we don't catch the bus then you know what that means

Rishu*realisation hits*:- we have to walk for whole one hour until we reach the mall NOOOOOO guys come quickly

They hear footsteps coming downstairs and in front of them appears the rest

Bhuvi:- finally I thought you all slept or what by the way what took you all so much time

Jassi*innocently*:- I was talking to my friend that's why I was late am sorry

Bhuvi:- no no no jassi it's alright what about you two

Yuzi:- I slept hehehe*😅*

Bhuvi*😑*:- you can't be serious

Yuzi*🥺*:- sorry

Bhuvi:- uhhhh fine what about you shubh

Shub:- I was having problem

Bhuvi:- what problem!?

Shub:- what to wear for the shopping


Rishu:- let's go guys or else we will be late to catch the bus

Everyone:- k

They all wear there shoes go out lock the door and continue there walk to the bus stop while chit chatting

Yuzi:- guys that's the bus let's go

The get inside the bus settle down and enjoys the view there stop finally came they get down from the bus go inside the mall and discuss were to go first

Bhuvi:- let's go to show store

Yuzi:- no let's go to jeans store

Jassi:- can we go to watch store

Rishu:- no first let's go to food court

Bhuvi:- we ate at house and came rishu so no

Yuzi:- wait how about we ask the person who we came here for

Jassi:- yes shub were do you want to go

Everyone direct their gaze at shub

Shub:- let's go to shirt store first

Everyone:- k

Rishu:- boring

Bhuvi:- shhhhh rishu

They start finding where is shirt store

Yuzi:- guys it's here

They go inside and looks for the best shirt

Employee:- sir do you need any help

Jassi:- ohhh yes we are trying to find a party wear

Employee:- sir this way

They walk behind the employee

Employee:- these are the party wear shirts sir

Shub:- let me go and try this one

He tries the shirt and go outside

Shub:- how does it look

Rishu:- bland

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