Time of disaster

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Do you think there is silence in the house of the simple people just like how there was silence in the Mafia's house well

No you are absolutely wrong if thought there was silence

Bhuvi*making breakfast*:- yuzi go wake everyone up and tell them to get ready and come downstairs to have breakfast

Yuzi*cleaning the utensils*:- k

Yuzi going upstairs and opening the first door and the sight melts his heart

Yuzi:- awwww so cute I don't want to disturb his sleep but if I don't wake him up then bhuvi will get angry on him *sitting on the bed and silently stroking the person hair* kiddo wake up or else bhuvi gonna come upstairs and scold you for not waking up

??*whining*:- NOOOOOO

Yuzi:- get up rishu

Rishu:- noo I want too sleep for 5 hour's more

Yuzi:- k then we are not going to party today

Rishu*opening his eyes and sitting up quickly*:- no you can't do this to me yuzi Bhai

Yuzi:- if you want to go then get ready quickly and come downstairs to have breakfast

Rishu:- k *jumps out of bed and runs into bathroom*

Yuzi*chuckling*:- be careful or else you will get hurt

Yuzi:- now let's go wake the other two up

Going towards another room and quietly opening the door and seeing the person is already awake

Yuzi:- oh jassi you are awake already

Jassi*doing yoga*:- yuzi Bhai good morning

Yuzi:- good morning jassi very well that you are awake go downstairs and eat your breakfast

Jassi:- k Bhai I will after I arrange all my thing

Yuzi:- k

Going outside of the room closing the door

Yuzi:- now only the youngest is left

Going towards the last door on which Avengers sticker are paste

Knocking on the door

Yuzi:- shub are you awake

Shub*opening the door*:- oh yuzi Bhai good morning sorry I was taking shower

Yuzi:- good morning shubh no problem good that you are awake wear your clothes and come downstairs to eat your breakfast

Shub:- k Bhai wait a minute I will come downstairs quickly

Yuzi:- take your time

All the four did there work and went downstairs while talking

Bhuvi*scrolling through the phone*:- took your sweet time to get ready and come downstairs sit the food is getting cold

Yuzi:- it was because of rishu other two were ready

Rishu:- sorry it was my fault I slept late at night

Bhuvi*angrily*:- you were again playing video games late at night how many times I have told you not to stay awake and play video games if things are the same from tomorrow then I will take your video games and won't give you back ever again

Rishu:- no please don't take my video games I swear this is my last time I am playing video games at late night

Bhuvi:- it better be settle down and eat you breakfast

Rishu:- are you guys excited for the party that is gonna happen today

Shub*whispering to himself*:- oh shoot the party is today night I forgot about it

Rishu:- what did you say shubh

That directed all their attention towards shubh

Shub:- oh nothing

Rishu:- are thinking of a way to escape the party

Shub:- yes

Rishu:- huh

Shub:- I mean no why would I

Rishu:- because you don't love to party

Jassi:- kk guys stop fighting shubh let's got to this party after this we won't force you to go in any party I promise

Rishu:- no this is not gonna be his last party who to-

Yuzi put his hand on rishu's mouth

Rishu:- mmmmmmhhhjkkbffhjkkjhh

Yuzi:- yes shubh after this one party we won't ever force you

Shub:- k

Yuzi removed his hand from rishu mouth

Rishu*glaring at yuzi*:- so are we going to the shopping

Bhuvi:- why do we need to go too shopping

Rishu:- because shubh doesn't have any party wear

Bhuvi:- no he can wear my clothes for the party

Rishu*whispering to himself*:- no your clothes are boring

Bhuvi:- what did you say

Rishu*nervously sweating*:- nothing

Shub:- oh he said your clothes are boring

Bhuvi*😑*:- k then go buy the clothes

Rishu:- Yaya all of us are gonna buy one nice pair of clothes

Yuzi:- we don't have money rishu

Rishu:- are don't worry I have been saving money from last month so that each one of us can wear nice clothes

Jassi:- but shouldn't we be using that money for something important

Rishu:- are happiness is more important so who all are up for the shopping

All four them raised the hands

Rishu:- good

Bhuvi:- wait I forgot to ask where is the party happening

Rishu:- oh the party is happening at xxx down right Street in xxxx bar

Bhuvi:- ohk

Yuzi:- everyone go get ready so that  we can go to mall for shopping

Bhuvi, rishu, shub, jassi:- aye aye sir

Everyone went into their room to get ready

Hi everyone
Hope you all are doing good
Have a great day ahead
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Saranghae 💜

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