headcannons 2

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Some of the HC's will refer to the ones in the first HC at the start of this book. So if you ever get confused just go for a refresher.

Okay so for me. Marcy is a power bottom. She does switch sometimes. But she is mainly on the bottom. But like I said a power bottom. She loves to tease her girls and be bratty but in the bedroom she will obey them because she loves being dominated

Anne is a switch. Her and Sasha work together to dominate Marcy alot. When it's just her and Sasha tho, she is a bottom. Definitely a power one tho.

Sasha is a pure Top. She loves being in charge in the bedroom. And the girls love her being in charge, everyone has a great time when she takes charge

But like I said there are moments when our beautiful Mars has her dominating moments which Sasha and Anne love. It's just completely random.

I should put this by headcannons (and so I did)

When Anne and Sasha aren't in bed with Marcy there is a 99.9% chance she falls out of bed while sleeping. Anne has a sixth sense, If Sasha isn't home, she can literally sense Marcy about to fall so she wraps her arm around her tightly.

Marcy has fallen a few times. Anne wakes up yelling "Marcy!" When Anne isn't home Sasha doesn't let up her grip on Marcy's waist. Much to the clumsiness sadness. But Marcy loves it.

On the Anniversary of the defeat of the core. Anne goes through a crisis. She often believes she's not even Anne. Sasha and Marcy would talk Anne's ear off with stories from their childhood. It makes Anne forget. In which Marcy would whisper. "You see Anna-banana you are and will always be our Anne."

When Anne told Marcy and Sasha about her destiny. Sasha immediately starting swearing to the skies. "You give us Anne back you here! She doesn't need to be some guardian! Our souls are gonna stay married you can't take her away. We gotta get up to ghost mischief!" Something all long those lines. Marcy excitedly squealed and asked Anne so many questions and told many theories. The divine God watched this all and is considering letting Anne have Marcy and Sasha with her.

(In the case of Sasha working for the FBI or weapons company or secret service) Sasha didn't tell Marcy and Anne about her job at first and she would just disappear. Her girls were super worried. And it caused a few fights in the house.

Marcy hates her scar, Anne and Sasha always kiss it to try and make Marcy less insecure about it. But she feels like it makes her ugly. It is massive and by a very exposing part. Especially for intimate moments. Their first time Marcy tried to hide it. Anne and Sasha were not having it. They both delicately kissed the scar while maintaining eye contact. Marcy cried and Anne and Sasha whispered Marcy was beautiful.

When Marcy is upset she curls in a ball in the fortress of gameitude. Anne and Sasha would immediately go and cuddle with her. And then play video games.

One time when the girls were in a huge fight. Sasha said "End of Discussion." It shocked everyone into silence. Sasha shook in fear and cried after that, afraid she was turning into her old self. Marcy and Anne reassured her that she was not the same Sasha and that they loved her. Anne also told her it was the heat of an agruement and Sasha didn't use it to manipulate them.

Anne's cute Cafe's name is called. 'The Bizarre Bizaar' Because Anne shapes her treats and foam designs as people from Amphibia. As well as exotic foods from Amphibia. That way everyone might think they're eating a big cricket leg but in reality it's just a cake treat. It was Marcy's idea to make the treats shaped like the bugs from Amphibia. Sasha added the detail of the people from Amphibia. Anne named the place. The girls often argue whether the 'Grimesy Caramel or Plantar special or Scourage of the Sand wars' is the favourite treat. The girls hope to one day show the cafe to their amphibian families.

When Sasha got rich by working hard, her family tried to act like they cared about her to use her. That was the first time the girls heard Marcy swear outside of the bedroom. "Get the fuck away from Sashimi! You narcissistic assfucks! I hope you fucking-" Anne stepped in at that point. "You heard Marbles. Get. Out." They haven't heard from Sasha's family since. Sasha rewarded both her girls that night.

Marcy says Assfuck (because she's my kin and I say it sometimes)

The girls all went on a trip with the Boonchuy's. It was one of their favourite memories. Marcy and Sasha call the Boonchuy's Mom and Dad now.

Anne proposes to Marcy and Sasha, I honestly just love the idea that she would do it. Sometimes her and Sasha do discuss who does it. In some of my books they will either both propose to Marcy together. Or Anne proposes to them both. Also Marcy has about a hundred proposal speeches written down. Anne and Sasha finds it one day and reads it to Marcy while they make love.

Anne's old coach constantly tries to get Anne to go pro again. Anne considers it but never wants to leave her girls again. Sasha and Marcy say they don't want to hold Anne back and she should do it, if she wants. Anne told them, all she needs is them. She doesn't need to go pro.

Because of Anne leaving sticky notes for Marcy reminding her to eat. The girls often communicate through sticky notes. 'Hey Sash have a good day at work!'   'Loser cleans the dishes' you name it. It's like their own little cute thing. Anne leaves a joke on the fridge every morning before she leaves.

Marcy still practices the spells Maddie taught her. Maddie would constantly say. "Don't worry Marcy is working on it." Everytime someone mentions they miss the girls. She has faith Marcy will find a way to bring them back.

Sprig and Ivy want to do a human marriage and proposal. So after the frog marriage ceremony they both agreed to wait for Anne's hopeful return to help them.

Polly is a raging bisexual

Wally goes out every year on the day him and Anne went on their little adventure. He walks the same path. And pretends Anne is with him.

Sprig found Anne's lost shoe and keeps it in her room. Polly, Hop Hop, Sprig, Grime, Olivia and Yunnan have all signed it. In fact the whole of wortwood signed it. There is no yellow colour left in that shoe.

Sprig brings the Mother food the day before Snow day so that her kids can be fed.

The Plantars framed a picture of Leif in the house after discovering everything about her.

Barrel is a long lost relative of Grime

Percy and Braddock talk to the Sasha's statue because they hate how they never got to say goodbye. Grime has seen them do it multiple times. He's just glad they haven't caught him do it.

Yunnan talks old battle strategies and war stories to Marcy's statue and Lady Olivia rants about her and Yunnan's fights or just how the whole of Ampibia is doing

(This is someone else's hc, not sure whose! I saw it on tiktok but I stand by it!) -The plantars all talk to Anne's statue but don't tell each other. (Now for my own part) : they all secretly know they talk to Anne's statue. And Leave little gifts for each other at the statue cause they always go the same times.

Everyday on Anne's birthday, the day Amphibia met the girls they all meet in Newtopia where the old castle once was. At the statue of the three to have a lunch and chat. (Lady Olivia, Yunnan, Grime, The plantars)

Yes I would love to believe there's a statue with all three girls together. Cause we know Sasha had one in Toad Tower. I believe they built a bigger one and left the mini ones in her old room. Marcy has that golden one in Newtopia and Anne's one is in wortwood. So having one of all three of them in Newtopia where the old castle was seems fitting.

A/n stay tuned for more!

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