"Oh Cher you finally home. I miss you so much." Said my aunty and hugs me close.
"I'm so sorry that I don't come home always."
"I understand. You busy with your work and I don't want to disturb you."
"Well what the occasion?"
"Why don't you settle down first and I explain to you." Say my aunt and I went to put my bags away and change into comfortable clothes. I went outside and sit by my aunt.
She already make me snack and drink. "So what the important thing that can't wait?" I straight to the point. I don't like surprised.
"Well Cher please don't get mad at me and I do this for your future and what best for you. I know I should ask you and get your permission in the first place but it unexpected. There a guy asking for your hands in married. I know it a shock but please listen."
I already shock and I almost choke on my drink. What a wedding arrange? What year is this? Why now?
"Cher honey I know it not easy for you but it the best for you. How long you want to stay alone and at least someone can take care for you. I not stay near you what if something happen to you? I can't lose you too. I heard about the attack at the place you work. Lucky you not in the shop at that time. I so worried about you Cher. Please don't think that I don't love you. I love you so much that I doing this for you."
"Okay okay I guess I have to follow it. Thanks for looking for the good person to marry me." I know I sound harsh and I can't help it that I'm going to get marry with a stranger. I wish Harry was here with me. Harry can't do anything since he a ghost.
"Cher everything for the ceremony have been done. We just waiting for you to come home and get the ceremony done. I'm so sorry it such a short period of time."
"Wow so fast. What the rush?" I ask back.
"Well this guy got an offer in another state and he want to settle the wedding fast and move there with you. I know it so hard on you that why they want the wedding as soon as possible and there will be like 2 month before the moving day. It have enough time for you to settle down and do what you need to do. Cher honey I'm doing this for you. Please don't think that I try to sell you or what I love you so much and I promise your parents that I take care of you."
I rush to my aunt and hug her tightly. I know it hard on her since she alone and she try her best to do what it take to make me happy. I really appreaciate it and I can't thank her enough. I single and I friend with a ghost and I should just follow her advise and go with the wedding.