Chapter 23 pt2

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"Hey," I answer, as I wipe my tears away. Trying to hide the sound of my cracking voice.

"Hey, love. How's everything going?" He asks softly. Listening to his voice filled my heart with so much warmth, after all this time apart, his voice melts me inside, and now I understand that familiar feeling he always gave me.

"My mom passed away last night." I crack and begin sobbing over the phone. I glance over and notice my father has left the attic. I continue to pour out all my emotions, a mixture of grief over my mother's passing, grief over the life I had, lost and can't remember, and grief over the loss of a child, I never knew I lost. Everything was falling at once and I didn't know what to do. Does Xavier know who I am? Was he able to remember us? He couldn't have. He would have told me, I'm sure of it.

"I'm so sorry Laila. Is there anything I can do? I-I want to be there for you." He insists.

Though my mind is a fog, everything is spiraling out of control. The only thing I wanted to do was see him again.

"Can you drive up here? Having you here would mean a lot to me."

"Of course, I can, love. Just text me the address, and I'll head out right away."

"Thank you. I will." I said in between sniffs as my body started to relax, knowing that he was going to be here in a few hours. I decided not to tell my father that the new guy I had been seeing was Xavier. That somehow despite their efforts we found our way back to each other and that I've fallen in love with him all over again.

Jordan, her husband, and the kids would be here this afternoon, as we all have to sit down and make arrangements for mom's funeral. I don't know how involved I want to be, so many thoughts and feelings are rushing through me, my dad can see how torn I am, so he has been giving me my space the rest of the morning. I take a shower and find something comfortable to wear, then begin helping my dad clean things up around the house. Soon, we begin calling family members informing them of the tragic news. Many cried, and others told us stories of my mother. Her sister Lilly offered to come over and help us with anything we might need.

The next thing I knew it was 1 pm, My phone started ringing and I pulled the curtain from the living room to the side, watching the black Lexus pull up to the driveway. I instantly knew who it was. My heart started racing so fast, that you would think I was having a massive caffeine rush. He opens the front door as he holds his phone to his ear.

"Hello..." I answer as I watch him from the window.

"I'm here love, parked right next to your car." He responds softly, as I smile at the sight of him.

As usual, he looks perfectly neat. Not a hair out of place. He wore a black turtleneck shirt, that sleek fabric, with no patterns, and black slacks, even in a rush he's perfectly dressed.

"I'm coming out now," I respond then hang up the phone. I rush over to the front door and open it. He turns over to me and his smile sends me to heaven, I can't help the one that's also forming on my face. I run into his arms and he holds me close, we stay in our embrace for what feels like hours. I take all of him in. I take in his scent, his light smell of sage and rosemary makes me feel whole. I can sense he is feeling something too because he is holding on to me tighter than usual. We break our hug but he keeps his hands around my waist, I then move mine around his neck and our foreheads instantly connect.

"Thank you for coming," I tell him in a whisper. My voice begins to break and tears start to fall.

He cups my face, and with his thumbs tries to dry them away, but my tears just keep falling. With one hand cupping my face and the other still on my waist he lifts my face to meet his. Our eyes lock and we get lost in each other's presence, he doesn't have to say anything, just looking at him is enough for me to realize, I'm in love with Xavier. I don't remember how much I loved him before, but I know that I'm in love with him now and I never want to lose him again.

Xavier pulls me in, closing the space between us, merging our lips in a kiss. How I'm able to lose myself in his kisses. I hoped that this time, after knowing what I know, I could remember more. But it didn't happen this time.

"Anything you need, I'm here, Laila." I smile, and walk him inside, interlocking my fingers with his.

"Dad!" I called out as we entered the living room.

I knew what I was doing when I asked Xavier to come. I knew what this would do. But I don't like secrets. I don't hide. I have to face this head-on. I don't know what or how much Xavier knows. But I can't let him leave without telling him the truth.

My dad emerges from the kitchen holding a glass of water in his hand. As soon as his eyes meet Xavier's he drops his cup, shattering it on the hard wooden floor.


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