Pizza time

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( Y/n POV )

I grabbed the phone to order pizza .

" hey Eddie ! "

" ....what "

" do you want pepperoni pizza ?"


" yes 1 medium pepperoni pizza please......... ok thank you ........ ( insert adres) thank you bye "

I looked over at Eddie , he looked sad so I decided that I was going to ask him about it .

" hey Eddie ?"

" mh " he hummed in response

" so how are you feeling about the whole situation?"

" not gonna lie...... it's....fucking crazy , I mean first Chrissy and then I hear that there are these things called vecna and the upside down and then YOU with the powers and stuff "

I sit beside him on the couch .

" I know , it's been a rough time this all and you must feel like your world has gone in the dirt after all of this "

" it does "

He sinked to the floor and I went with him

I put my arm around him for comfort .

" well with all the stuff the rest of us have experienced I think we can kill this vecna thing.... I mean you would think a bunch of teens would die but no we stil did not and where not going now "

He looked at me , I never seen this side of him.

" hey uh.... Thanks y/n "

"No proble-"


" oh the pizza"

I stood up and went to the door ,
Opened it and there was a high looking pizza guy outside .

( yes I added him )

" thanks here's the tip "

" cool"

"Bye "

I closed the door and went back to Eddie .

" pizza time " I smiled

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