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Author note : hi everyone I'm going to be spoiling you all from now on with more longer chapters :) I myself hate when I read really short chapters so I'm going to give you something that you will enjoy <3 love y'all have fun reading little snails .


Y/n pov :


He looked at me and smiled

" so........."

" so what ?" He asked

"So what does this mean?"
I asked

" I mean if you maybe want to like go out with me after all this is over-"

I grabbed on his shirt and smashed my lips on his .
Ones I pulled away he said " I take that as a yes" he smiled .

(Eleven pov)

"Well i wil be going away for a business trip " Joyce said .

" all the way in Alaska ?!"

"Yes Will , Alaska "

I looked at my food . I can't believe what I did today , I broke Angela's nose .

Even worse Mike thinks I'm a monster now ....

" El are you oké ?"

" y.yeah just not that hungry ."

"I'm going to go to my room"

Joyce looked at me with concern.

I went up to my room and closed my door .

I saw from the corner of my eye that there was a letter for me .

I picked it up , it's from Y/n.

It read-

Dear ell, how are you ?
We miss you .
Max and I probably miss you the most .
How is it going at your new school ?
Is that Angela kid stil bothering you ?
Anyways Steve and robin got the job at the video store , I myself stil babysit some kids .
Things are pretty ok .

I miss you - your bff Y/n <3

I feel my frown turn into a smile .
I miss them so much , they are like and older sibling to me .

I wil write them back soon .

( y/n pov )

In the first time in for ever I feel relaxed , laying here in eddies arms feels great .

I hear  snoring coming from beside me , it was Eddie .
I think it's time to sleep .

I closed my eyes and I soon  fell asleep.

( time skip brought to you by Steve's crusty hairspray hair )

(Eddie pov )

" Eddie "

"Eddie wake up "

I opened my eyes and there was y/n.

" get up "


I get out of bed.
" here"
They handed me a eggo.

"Thanks "
I smiled .

I look at the clock it reads 07:30 .
" why did you wake me up this early ?"

" well we need to get going back to your old hideout , Jason and the rest of the basketball team are going to be searching for you and your just safer there "
They say with a frown .

While munching on my waffle
I managed to say with a full mouth "what if they find me ?"

They stopped to think .
" you go to that one make out point in the woods , what was it called again....oh skull rock !"

" ok but how wil I contact you?"

" with the walkie-talkies Dustin gave us "
They gave me the other walkietalkie .

They click the button on it and say "reporting from y/ns place , Eddie is going back to his first hideout because the basketball team are on to us . Please Dusti bun if you wil tell this to the others that would be great bye" and the stopped .

We hear a voice from the device "I told the others thanks for telling me and don't call me dusti bun "

Y/n laughs and so do I .

"So ready to go ?"

I nodded


This it the end of this chapter thank you for reading and sorry if it is stil to short im trying my best it's just hard because this is the first fanfic that I wrote that is actually getting attention .
Bye bye my little snails

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