One Lie

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Kousei's POV:

I slept in today, mostly because I don't know what I would do if I were awake. Probably worry. And worry. And worry some more. I don't think Kaori would want me to worry, so I won't. I have a piano lesson with Nagi today so I practically role out of bed and throw on some jeans and a shirt. I check my phone again as I grab an egg salad sandwich from the fridge. "Seto knows me too well..." I say and I smile to myself as I take a bite and check for any messages on Kaori's condition. Still nothing. "Would it be bad if I went to her parents bakery?" I asked myself. I make my way to the door grabbing my music bag, wallet and throwing on a coat but as I'm about to leave Seto appears behind me like a ghost. "Ohoho!" She said loudly pulling me back inside by the back collar of my shirt. "Your a teacher now remember? Your students coming over." She explained dragging me into the piano room. I sat down and stared at the keys. Should I leave and see Kaori...? I looked over at Seto and opened my mouth to speak but Nagi walked in. "Kousei!" She exclaimed happily. She sat down next to me and began taking the various papers and music sheets from her folders. I noticed little animal stickers such as bunnies and birds in the corner of each folder and smiled. "Nagi..." I said gently. She looked up smiling. "Yeah?" I looked down. "Nagi, do you remember that girl I was talking about? The one I knew I would never have a chance with, but you told me to keep trying...?" Nagi looked at me wide eyed like I had just shot her. "K-KOUSEI! YOU IDIOT IM THIRTEEN!" She said and closed the piano on top of my fingers. "GAH!" I said and kneeled down in pain. Seto seemed to be enjoying herself in the corner. "Kousei-" she added. "You shouldn't make your students upset." and she walked away. I'm not sure what for but she left and Nagi looked like she was about to explode- her cheeks puffed out but I swear, I thought I could see a small blush. "N-No Nagi, you got the wrong idea I don't like you!" I said trying to fix the misunderstanding. Her blush went away but it was replaced with an even madder expression. "ARE YOU SAYING I'M NOT ATTRACTIVE ARIMA KOUSEI?!" She looked like she would throw a chair at me any minute, or the piano. The piano was closer. "Nagi!" I shouted "I need to see her. To check on her. Not to reassure her, to reassure me..." I said with a pleading look in my eyes. Her normal face returned relaxed and softened. "You can go." She said simply packing her stuff. As she was about to walk out of the room she stopped. "I understand that want, that need. To be with them. To make them happy, and to make yourself happy. Go Kousei. Go be happy." And with that Nagi ran out of the room and I once again grabbed my bag and wallet, but this time as I was about to walk out Seto never came to bring me back. I closed to door behind me, put on my coat and made my way to the Miyazono's Bakery.

Kaori's POV:

"Ahh!" I said disappointed when I woke up. Although it had been snowing for the past 2 days none of the snow accumulated so it was a slushy grey day. The pain isn't as extreme as yesterday but I can't move yet. It's a dull, throbbing sort of pain. You know, the one that feels like your heartbeat is in it? I don't like that type of pain. Your heart never stops so it's forever pumping. This pain feels never ending. Never the less when my parents come in with a cake a gasp in astonishment. It was covered in music notes and cherry blossoms. "IS THAT FOR MEEE?!" I exclaim. My parents laugh and shake their head. "Kaori, you know you can't eat for another 4 days." They said in the classic parenting voice, as if correcting me for my cake wanting. "If I can't have it why did you bring it up? Is this some torture?" I ask helplessly as I claw for the for the gorgeous cake. "Haha, we've decided to invite your relatives over for a party here. You know, to cheer you up!" They said and smiled. God I loved my parents. "Do you want us to invite someone particular?" They asked. Kousei. That was the first name that came to mind. Yes. I wanted Kousei to come. I needed Kousei to come. "Kousei Arima" I said plainly. They look at me in disbelief for a second- just a second. A normal person would never see it but I saw it. "Kousei Arima" I said again louder to get their attention. They snapped out of their trance and nodded "We'll ask him okay?" "No!" I said quickly. Last night as I was reminiscing our adventures I had written to letter to Kousei. I quickly added "Please come ASAP to the hospital" and folded it into the cute stationary he had bought be when we went to the mall. "Here" I said and handed them the letter. "You don't need to explain anything, just give it to him at the Bakery!" I said cheerfully. They looked at the letter and took it. "But wouldn't it be easier to just give it to him at his house instead of waiting for him to come?" They suggested. "No I said." Knowingly. "If I know Kousei... He'll be coming for some canalès." They nodded and left leaving me alone. A sharper pain than before hit me again and I winced. I wondered what Kousei was doing at this point. "Probably being a worry-wart..." I joked and smiled looking out my window as if expecting to see Kousei pass by. Actually I don't know if I was expecting to see him. I just wanted to see him.

I Reached You, Didn't I...? ( Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso: Kousei x Kaori fiction )Where stories live. Discover now