Chapter 8

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A few days had passed since we were told of the horrible news. It's still just as hard on all of us. We went to visit him and the emotions were all over the place. It was hard to finally say goodbye, but once we did, we all hugged each other. This family was still just as strong together, and it'll continue to be that way. We promised to fulfill his wishes, and his wishes were very clear to us all. As we left the doctors room, we all had tears on our faces. Realizing what was to come in the upcoming days. It was especially hard on my mom as she married him for years.

     Once we came back home, my mom was in her room trying to handle the horrible thoughts she would experience. Me and Claire would try our best to be there for her every step of the way. In doing so, I'd play and practice my guitar. I promised myself to continue practicing it even when I eventually become a guitarist. It's never been more clear to me before than this moment.

     Claire would read her list of books she had written lately, she would even begin to start writing herself. She was so invested in reading books, that I have no doubts she will do amazing writing them. This was her way of coping after all. I'd be there for her whenever I wasn't practicing to see what she was up to. She would do the same for me in return. It helped both of us slowly overcome what happened. Even though we won't ever fully recover, it was an effort in its own right.

     I'd hear a knock at the door as I was quick to answer it. It was Laurie, and seeing her really surprised me as I wasn't anticipating to see her again. "It's been a while, I hope you're okay." She'd say as I invited her inside for a while. She would go in my room with me as we talked the night away. "I'm sorry about what happened." I'd say as she told me "You didn't have to apologize. I understand." This would warm my heart up as I anticipated the worst.

     She would tell me to grab my guitar and she would attempt to sing along to it. Once I started playing, her singing lightened up the room. It felt so right, and she used to be so shy to want to do this where others could hear her. Once we were done I praised her singing so much. She would praise my guitar skills in return. I wanted to do this more often as I really wanted to make it a normal thing. She would agree to start coming over more frequently after that.

     It made me happy to have more things to do, and this could be the start to something better. Something that could change my life in the future. I could imagine performing on stage with her someday, as I knew her talents from the beginning. When I'd walk through the trees to hear her singing, it was a magical night. I was super glad I was able to experience it.

     Claire would come in as she would hear everything and she had a shocked look on her face. She'd introduce herself to Laurie as we all talked. Claire saw real talent with her singing and my guitar skills. She wanted us to perform in front of the others outside sometime soon. We were still both unsure as it was our first time playing together. She assured us there was no rush, and she supported us every step of the way.

     Once my friend left, I'd sit right next to Claire as she was writing. She'd show me what she was working on and I'd look on amazed at how good she was beginning to be. I think her dreams of being a writer would happen. Seeing as she was this good already, there's so much room for improvement in the future for her. As usual, I'd cheer her on in whatever she wanted to do. So when she showed me this, I'd cheer her on. She'd grin as we both hugged for a little. I felt we could definitely get through this.

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