Did You Just Say You're Stuck!? -Chapter 7

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"Wait... Did you just say you're stuck?" Tim started. If their eyes weren't already blown open from the ghost's shock, they would be from Tim's. "What the hell is that supposed to mean!?"

"I- I don't know..."Phantom responded, his voice was quiet like he was stunned.

"Haven't you done this before?" Tim felt the piercing pain in his chest again, only for a second this time before it receded. He must have tried leaving again. "Surely you can't be like, stuck, stuck... Right?"

"Nope definitely stuck, stuck." Phantom bit his lip. Tim was feeling the worry radiating off of him in waves. "And give me a break, I don't normally overshadow people!" He whisper yelled. "I don't know how this works."

Tim tried to take a deep breath to calm himself down but he couldn't control his lungs. "Well do you have any ideas of how we can get you unstuck?" He hissed.

Phantom chuckled. "Aww wanting to get rid of me already? Have I really been that bad of a roommate? I'm hurt."

"Well, seeing as it is my body you are walking around in, yes!" Tim made sure to let his annoyance and frustration bleed through to the ghost.

Phantom sighed. "Okay, I might have something we can use. Or at least an idea of where to get something."

"And that is...?" Tim pried.

Phantom turned around and started walking over to Tim's dresser. "I have someone we can meet. She should be able to help us find something to split us up."He started opening a few drawers and shuffling through folded clothes.

"You can't just go and talk to someone! My identity!" Tim exclaimed.

Phantom raised an eyebrow before pulling out a long-sleeved shirt. "Why do you think I'm going through this?"

Tim's heart dropped. "You can't!"

"Dude unless you want us to go prancing around the street wearing this." He gestured vaguely at Tim's Red Robin suit. "I suggest we get changed."


Phantom put up his hand. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone who you are. That would be bad for both of us, anyway."

Tim sighed, pushing as much annoyance towards the ghost as he could. Phantom quickly found the clasps to the cape and started taking it off. He took off each piece of armor one by one until Tim was left in his black leggings and Domino.

Phantom tried tugging at the corner of the mask pulling at the skin a bit causing a light sting. "It won't work like that, All you'll succeed in doing is ripping off my skin." Tim butted in. The ghost paused before pulling his arm down and glancing around the room. He spotted the bathroom door attached to Tim's room and quickly walked over to it.

He put his hand on the cold door handle and slowly pushed it open before turning on the light. He waited for a second as if to see if there was going to be an alarm or an attacker inside. He then shuffled up to the bathroom sink and turned on the warm water.

When Phantom looked up at the mirror Tim saw his eyes trace over the light scars riddling his body. None of them looked too severe but they were noticeable. Very pale markings like scratches compared to his already pale skin.

Tim was feeling very apprehensive about this. And for some reason so was Phantom... He paused for a second looking at the water before taking a deep breath. 'Sorry.' He reached his hands into the water and leaned forward sticking his head above the sink. He splashed some onto his face and then wetted around the mask with his fingers.

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