Chapter 3

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3rd POV

Silence reigned over the Sohma house. The atmosphere was calm, and in the open living room lay a sleeping brunette. As for her sister, she was passed out against the wall, her face scrunched as if she was in discomfort.

The brunette girl woke up abruptly, the events of yesterday flooded through her brain. She stood up and ran towards the patio door only to be greeted by the prince, Yuki Sohma.

"Good morning, how are you feeling?" He asked.

" Sohma-kun, um, good morning." Tohru mumbled out .

"Here. Your picture. The rest of things should be in these bags. Could you make sure?"

"You dug through the landslide by yourself?!" She shouted alarmed. "Of course not" he replied. "Then how did you-?"

"It's a secret." He said smiling at her mischievously. She had no words and just looked at him confused. Suki had awoken in the midst of their conversation, groggy and stiff . "Well thank you. Thank you so much!" "Sure, I'll take your things upstairs." "Huh!" The Hondas said in unison. Tohru and Yuki both turned their attention to Suki. "Good morning Suki." they both said, she silently waved in response. "The house is filthy, and we're not used to having women around but there's a room for you upstairs. You can stay here until the remodelling is finished."

"No we couldn't possibly-!" "Don't worry there's locks on the doors." He intervened. "That's not it ! I mean-"

"Do you like housework, like cooking and cleaning?" Shigure said popping out of nowhere.

"Yes I like housework and Suki enjoys cooking, why?"

A smile grew on his face "Welcome to the Sohma house! The room hasn't been used in a while so its a bit stuffy. Oh we'll need to make you two a house key." He turned to Yuki "Yuki, find them something to wear." The girls began to panic. "No we really couldn't. Taking care of us and giving us a room- it's too much! We're causing you too much trouble" Suki rambled on.

"Suki." "We're the ones asking you to stay. You're not a bother. If we didn't want you here, we wouldn't ask. Besides, where else are you going to go?"

They gave in. "We'll try not to be any trouble. Please tell us the Sohma rules and customs. We don't want to do anything to-" "It's ok just be yourself and do things at your own pace. You'll both fit right in". As he said that, the two recallred similar words their mother had spoke before.

They followed Yuki to the guest bedroom. To them it felt like a dream , they both were suddenly living in Sohma's house and we're borrowing his clothes. They just hoped their stay wouldn't cause them too much trouble.


It happened so fast, the ceiling was destroyed, wood remains flew through the air and in the derbies stood a orange haired boy. Suki couldn't believe who it was. "Yo ready for a beating rat boy." The stranger spoke rotating his shoulder. The Prince's demeanour changed into one of confidence. "Seriously, must you break something every time you come home? When are you going to learn you're too weak."

"Why you! If you think I'm the same as before, you're in for a world of pain! Today I'm taking you down! Brace yourself!" Tohru had overcome her shock and tried to diffuse the situation. "No, please stop!" Unfortunately, she slipped on a piece of wood and bumped into the stranger. As they both fell Suki had finally found her voice.

"Kyo." . The boy turned his head to face her and his eyes grew wide. "Suki?"



Suki stood infront of the Sohma estate. It had become a routine for her to meet Haru here and he would sneak out so they could play together. However today was different, Haru was taking too long and Suki was getting worried.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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