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A pair of adult men’s shoes.

There was only one person in this neighborhood and this house that could wear these high-quality shoes.

His thick shoulders could be seen over the chair. The voices on the table were quite friendly.

“……In that case . Are you taking your medications well? I told you to pay attention to what they said.”

“Somehow it’s better than before. Thank you, vice president. I am always indebted to you like this. I apologise for always making you worried, is there anything I can do for you?”

“If you say it like that, I’ll be disappointed.”

“Oh, is that so? Oh, the kids are here. Zio, Ji-rok, come and say hello. The vice president is here.”

Tiger turned around.

Only read this at europalation.wordpress.com, please do not repost

There was already a slight smile around his eyes.

Just as he expected, Zio quietly placed both her hands on her belly button.

King Zio had a polite pose like a child from Cheonghak-dong who was excited about the world.

“Hello, vice president.”

‘What are you doing bothering me!’

“How have you been?”

‘Go out right now.’

What her eyes said was very different from her mouth.

Gyeon Ji-rok, who was next to her, also raised his head with a swampy look.

In the end, it was a fun family. Tiger held back his laughter and responded.

“I’ve been well. Zio-yang seems to have gotten more mature during the time I haven’t seen her.”

“Ugh, what do you mean more mature. There’s a long way to go. She still acts like a child and complains about the side dishes even though she is a grown up. Even though I am over 40, I still feel active because of her.”

“I can’t complain about side dishes, Zio-yang.”


She was suffering from a public execution.

Gyeon Ji-rok who showed his loyalty had long fled to his room.

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Zio stood soulless and just recited  yes, yes.

Mrs. Park and Tiger were talking in a familiar way without any sense of incompatibility.

When she was young, it all started when the state selected Tiger as the one to take responsibility for the S-Rank Gyeon Zio.

At first, he accepted it simply because it was a request from the center, but it wasn’t long before he started doing it sincerely.

Therefore, the next flow that followed was the establishment of the sponsorship program.

In order to completely cover one piece, the entire board had to move.

The external name for it was the official collaboration between the Center and the 〈Silver Lion〉 guild.

It was a guardian system where the  〈Silver Lion〉 guild members formed a 1:1 relationship where they took care of the victims of the ‘Nightmare of March’ until they became adults.

There had been high praises all around, saying it was an example of social leadership, but…

In fact, the big picture was that the big shots had to take care of a little girl both openly and under the water.

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