520 10 3

[Perhaps, the ‘Master’ is a magician of considerable skill.] 


[You can’t see any sword related movements at all, this story becomes a lot more simpler when you get out of your prejudice.

Take off some frames for inspection. Then you can see some characteristics of a magician. ]


[For example, this gesture is the basic move to draw a ‘Rune’. The move is like breathing, so if you are a magician, you have no choice but to be innersed in your body. If you look closely at the 2:31 second mark of the video here…]

[What are you talking about? Do I have to keep listening to this bullshit? For you even these damned rice sacks are magic. Is it a magician theory or what? ]

[R-Rice Sacks! These are the official robes of the tower! It’s a luxury item with a rare level!]

[Yada yada. Whatever.]

[… Honestly, in terms of mastery, will you be able to keep up with the physical wave?] Just looking at one person here now, this conversation doesn’t work at all. It’s not like we have a beast or a savage sitting in front of us]

[Huh, Excuse me? Dude, did you just look at me and say that? ]

[You’re the one who threw the first punch!]

[I can’t believe this! Hey! You’re dead! ]

Only read this at europalation.wordpress.com, please do not repost


[Time to adjust the screen.]


Top Ranker first place Gyeon Zio’s guide to ordinary living rule No.1. 

Those who worked a day, take a month off.

Humans are animals that are constantly exhauste.

They use energy even for breathing, but if they consumed a huge amount of energy through labor, they should know how to recharge it properly.

“So? In summary, I wanted to play and rest,  but my mom didn’t want me to roll around like a corpse. That’s why she called us out. That’s the situation right now. Please cooperate with me while I rest.”

Zio replied firmly.


“Should I really beat you up?”

“Hey, Zio. Are you only doing this for a day or two? Leave it alone. I’m a bit hungry. Should I order some toast? This toast looks delicious.”

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“I don’t like hot things. Shaved ice.”

“Sure, do you have money?”

Zio replied confidently.


“Let’s hit her just once, please. Huh?

“Hold it in. Hold it in. Then let’s order shaved ice and toast.”

Yang Sedo stopped Jang Senna, who had her fists clenched, with a good face.

Only read this at europalation.wordpress.com, please do not repost

[Your contractor, ‘Reader of Fate’ advises it’s baby cat to be nice to her friends]

‘Unni, are you not on my side right now?’

[What are you talking about? He stays up all night and thinks about it’s baby cat while crying.]

[However you only have 3 friends, he sighs saying this oppa is afraid that you will lose them and become lonely.]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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