203 Glass Fragments

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Jon followed Andy back to his room after the strange meal. They'd all just sat at the table. Pretending there wasn't a dead body right outside the door. With the murder weapon sitting on the table in front of them. Hayley was the only one who'd eaten. Well her and Brendon. But he was pregnant, so he couldn't help it.

"This is getting crazy." Jon told Andy once they were in the room with the door closed. "She killed someone."

"We have to get out of here." Andy agreed.

"You want to try the window?"

"And if it breaks, then what? You're going to jump from the third floor?"

"You're right. We need to all be in this together anyway. We'll meet up on the first floor. "

Andy and Jon walked out of the room and headed to the room next door. Jon knocked. There were a few muffled foot steps before the door swung open, exposing a sober looking Joe. I guess murder could do that to someone.

"Andy, I'm so sorry." He pulled him into a tight hug.

"I know." Andy whispered against him. Hugging tighter. "You have to come with us. We're getting out of here."

"How?" Spencer walked up to the door. Jon rolled his eyes. Spencer sighed.

"We think the windows in the rooms are normal glass. We just have to get to the first floor."

"We can really get out?" Joe asked.

"Maybe." Jon told him.

They traveled as a group to the forth floor and knocked on the door. No one answered. Spencer tried the knob bit it was locked. Oh well, they had to keep moving. The elevator seemed like too much of a hassle so they scrambled down the stairs as quietly as possible to the first floor. Spencer knocked on this door too. While everyone waited in tense silence.

"Oh, um, hi?" The pregnant man forced a smile when he opened the door.

"Can we come in?" Jon snapped.

"Uh, I-"

Jon gently pushed past the man and they followed him into the room. The three other guys were all in there. Pete was sitting on the bed with Patrick on his lap. And Ryan's husband was sitting in one of the cheap chairs, glaring at Jon.

"That was rude, Jon." Spencer scolded.

"We think we can get out." Jon ignored Spencer.

"Really?" Patrick stood.

Jon didn't answer. He looked around the room for something. Andy seemed to be doing the same thing. Finally settling on the empty chair that the pregnant one, Brendon was probably sitting in. Andy lifted it up and walked to the window. Ryan jumped out of his chair and moved.

"Wait!" Pete stopped him.

"What?" Jon snapped.

"We need a plan. We can't just break a window-"

"That's probably just like the other windows and can't break anyway." Ryan cut in.

"And run like a bat out of hell." Pete continued on as if he didn't hear him. "We need to be quick and organized. That crazy bitch has weapons."

"Ryan's right." Joe suddenly said. "What are the chances of the windows breaking?"

"Slim to none." Patrick admitted.

"You know what?" Andy grumbled. "Just fucking forget it!"

He tossed the chair with annoyance at the window. It hit the glass and the glass shattered under the blow. All eight faces stared in disbelief. Nobody moved from their spots. Could it really be this easy? It didn't make sense. It was impossible. But the proof was right in front of them. In broken window. The chair laid in the bushes on the outside. If the chair was free, they could be too.

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