"Alright, Amelia. I'm heading out for work. You cool here or do you need a ride to a friends?" I ask, grabbing my car keys. "I'll stay here. I have to study." My younger sister smiles, glancing up at me before returning to her school work.
"Call me if you need anything." I reply, playfully messing up her hair as I passed her for the front door. She groans, but doesn't protest.
Around 10 minutes later I pull up outside the bar my mom owns. We had moved back to her hometown around three years ago, but we had lived in the south since I was born. It was a change, but Amelia and I got used to it pretty fast.
Fixing my glasses, I entered the bar to see it crowded with customers. "Rae!" They cheer, noticing my presence behind the bar.
"Hi, guys!" I laugh, clocking in on the system behind the bar. The regulars had become basically the entire city, so seeing a new came few and far between. During the summer though, tourists flooded the bar.
"What can I get you?" I smile, brushing past my mom and coming to a stop in front of Navy man. "Just a couple beers, please." He nods, motioning to his friends. "For sure, what kind?" I ask, nodding my head towards the list of beers we had available behind me.
"Four blue moons."
Nodding, I grabbed them from underneath the bar before handing all of them to him. "Open or closed tab?" I ask, watching him grab the bottles. "Open. We'll be here awhile." He smiles before retreating back to his friends.
Moving on, I took care of more customers as my mom talked to this one customer quietly. It wasn't the evening rush, so I wasn't too busy.
"What're you doing here?" I hear her whisper-shout as I handed a draft beer to a regular.
"Bradshaw! Is that you?" The Navy group cheers out of the blue. Turning, I'm met with a tall man with a mustache. I had to admit, he was easy on the eyes.
The man, presumably Bradshaw from the shouts of his friends, takes off his sunglasses to reveal gorgeous brown eyes that were already staring me down. Blushing, I reluctantly turned away to take more orders.
"Can I get cheese sticks?" Denny, a regular, asks. "For sure. It'll be around 10 minutes." I smile, placing the order into the system to get sent to the kitchen. "Ha. Nice accent." A voice speaks up. Turning around, I'm met with a new face. Rolling my eyes, I set my hands down on the bar in front of him.
"What can I get ya'?" I ask, making sure to sound even more southern. The man smirks, looking above me to look at our options. I fought back the urge to ring the bell above me, but I had a feeling I should wait.
Once he's taken care of, I take a breather at the system.
Turning to the voice, I'm met with who I assume is Bradshaw.
"Hi! What can I get for you?" I smile, setting my hands down on the bar sink. The cold metal seeps into my skin as I stared at the man. As he speaks up, he brushes his fingers over his mustache before combing his hair back with his fingers.
"Just a Coors Light please, beautiful." He smiles. Playfully rolling my eyes, I motioned to the sign of the bar rules as I leaned down to grab a bottle of Coors light from the freezer.
"Just a compliment." He chuckled, resting his hands on the counter and tapping along to whatever song was playing from the Jukebox. Holding my hand out, I wait for him to grab the bottle.
"Open or closed tab?" I politely smile. "Open, please." He smiles as he reaches out. His fingers graze over mine as he grabs the bottle from me, his touch lingering as we make eye contact. His touch alone ignited my skin as he slipped away.
"Fuck, he was hot." I mutter to myself, turning back to the system to make sure everything was ready.
"Rae! Cheese sticks!" Barry, our main cook, calls from the back. "Coming!" I call back, leaving the bar and making my way to the kitchen.
Barry smiles at me as I leave the kitchen with the cheese sticks in hand, placing them down in front of that customer.
"Enjoy." I smile, grabbing a rag before wiping down the counter tops.
As I turned the corner of the bar to pick up stray bottles, I notice the Navy man from earlier making his way over to me.
"Hey, gorgeous. You busy tonight?" The blond smirks, looking down on me.
"Dude, fuck off." The dark haired man from earlier laughs from the pool table.
"I can, and will, ring that bell." I reply, completely serious. Throwing his hands up in surrender, he backs away from me back to the pool table.
Ignoring his glances, I clean up the tables that customers left behind.
A couple hours later, while I was ringing up a customer, the bell's familiar chimes ring throughout the building. Shaking my head, I ignore the shouts following.
"56.48." I smile, handing him the receipt. The older man nods before handing me his card. Swiping it, I closed out his tab.
"Have a good night!" I call out behind him as he leaves, not even a goodbye or anything.
"What an asshole." The brunette man returns, his shades no longer sitting on the bridge of his nose. "Hm. Tell me about it." I laugh, turning to him.
"Can I get you anything?" I ask, glancing down at his hands briefly.
"Just another Coors Light, please." He replies, his lips curling into a small smile. Nodding, I reach over my mom and grab the familiar bottle.
"Here it is." I smile, genuinely. "You have a beautiful smile, by the way." He quips before walking back to his friends at the pool table.
A warm blush creeps onto my cheeks as I turned to avoid my mom's glances. There was no way I was making eye contact with her after he made me blush.
I'm sure he was just being nice. I mean, he's seen these dudes tease me left and right, he's for sure just being nice to help me out, right?

Fanfiction"Why did you make me fall in love with you when you're about to leave for a mission you may not even come back from?" I exclaim, my throat burning as I fought the urge to cry. "Do you seriously think I wanted to fall in love right before I left? Fa...