With a deep sigh, I prepared myself to open my front door. It was safe to say I was nervous for this. It wasn't that I was nervous about being with him, I was nervous I'd screw up everything and ruin my chances with him. I had no idea if this was even a date, but it had to be, right? I knew he was on his way when he asked me for my address, but I was still nervous.
I had decided on a pair of nice, ripped mom jeans paired with a loose white crop top with my usual checkered vans.
As if he knew, my doorbell immediately went off. Taking another deep breath, I made my way downstairs. With a shaky breath, I pulled my door open with one last glance in the mirror.
And there he was, flowers in hand and everything. He was sporting a loose red sweater, and a nice pair of jeans paired with sneakers. It was simple, and he made it look great.
This was definitely a date.
"Hi." He smiles brightly. A warm feeling bubbles in my stomach as he held out the flowers for me.
"Hi, Rooster." I smiled, gently taking the flowers out of his hand. They were Dahlia's, my favorite flower. "Come in." I smiled, opening the door wider for him. His large frame steps into my foyer as I make my way into the kitchen to get a vase for the flowers.
"How'd you know Dahlia's are my favorite?" I questioned, filling the vase up with water as he joins me in the kitchen.
"Lucky guess." He smiles, leaning against my doorframe. "Well, I love them." I happily smile before placing the flowers in the vase on my counter. "I'm glad you like them." He holds his arm out for me. Gently placing my hand on his bicep from underneath, I followed him back into the foyer. "You ready?" He asks, reaching for the door.
"Got my keys, I'm pretty sure I have all I need." I nod, grabbing my purse that had my keys inside of it. I saw them tucked inside, so I was sure I had them. My phone was tucked in my back pocket along with my wallet inside my purse.
Locking my door behind me, I followed Rooster down my steps and towards his car. Opening the door for me, he helped me inside his truck. Once the door was shut, I reached over and opened his door from the inside.
"Thank you." He smiles, climbing into his truck. Nodding, I watched him start the ignition. As he pulled out of my driveway, he gently intertwined our fingers. Yep, for sure a date.
Crawling into Rooster's truck bed, I turned around to grab the food from him so he can climb in easily. Placing the food near the back, I watched him climb in beside me. He had set up the truck bed as a makeshift bed. Extra blankets were folded neatly beside me as we sat down together, unloading the food as we waited for the movie to start. Various people talked around us as we sat comfortably in silence. A cooler was beside Rooster, causing him to sit close enough where I could easily touch him but there was still room between us.
"Thirsty?" He asks, pulling open the cooler as I set my food down in front of me. "Yes please." I smiled, watching him pull out a cherry coke, another one of my favorites.
The cold bottle rests between my thighs as I opened the tray, immediately smelling my chicken tenders. I had ultimately decided on chicken tenders instead of a salad.
Pulling a fry out, I glanced over at him. His arm was now resting behind me as I heard the movie begin. With a bright smile, I leaned back slightly and turned my body towards him.
"Thank you for bringing me here." I say, taking a bite of the French fry. "It's no problem. I'm glad you came." He smiled, gently brushing hair out of my face.
"Me too." I smile before turning my attention to the movie and the food in front of me, continuing to enjoy his warmth.
Halfway towards the movie, a cold breeze skims over my skin. As warm as Rooster was, the chill wouldn't go away. His arm was placed behind me, while my body was turned into his and my knees were bent so I was tucked into his side.
Reaching over, I gently unfolded a blanket. "Cold?" He whispers, more chills going down my spine at his deep voice. Nodding, I fought back a yawn as I placed the blanket over us. The warmth of him and the blanket immediately warms me up.
Yawning, I lay my head down on his shoulder before feeling him place his arm around me. My body physically relaxes into his as my eyes settle on the movie.
I couldn't deny the calmness I felt around him. I've had my fair share of crushes, but they've never made me feel as calm as he has.
"Are you tired?" His voice breaks the comforting silence. "Uh, just a tad." I shrug, adjusting closer to his warm body.
"I can take you home if you'd like?" He responds, his voice gentle. If I was being honest, I could sit here for the rest of my life with him. I didn't want to leave, just yet.
"No, I want to stay here." I smile, my eyes settling on the movie screen once again as I felt his thumb gently caress my arm.
The soft vibrations of the movie, along with his breathing and touch lulled me into a deep sleep on his shoulder.

Fanfiction"Why did you make me fall in love with you when you're about to leave for a mission you may not even come back from?" I exclaim, my throat burning as I fought the urge to cry. "Do you seriously think I wanted to fall in love right before I left? Fa...