Bradley's truck rolls into the driveway, coming to a stop right behind my own car. "Well, thank you for driving us home." I smile, unbuckling. "It's no problem." He smiles, climbing out of his car. Following him, I recalled his past actions and adjusted the seat so my sister could climb out.
Once she was out, I fixed the seat before turning to Bradley. "Thank you for the ride!" She smiles, passing him and making her way to my front door. "No problem." He laughs, watching her begin to unlock my front door with the keypad. Shaking my head, I focused on him. Once she disappeared inside, he turned back to me.
"She's something." He laughs, leaning against his truck. "You didn't grow up with her." I chuckle, leaning against the car door.
As he speaks up, I hear a noise coming from my front window overlooking the driveway. Looking over, I see my blinds abruptly close.
"I'm already regretting this sleepover." I laugh, feeling his index finger brush against my hand.
"Well, I'll let you get it over with. Don't forget to text your mom." He laughs, gaining my attention. "Text me when you get home safe." I smile, standing up so I wasn't leaning against his truck.
"Will do." He nods, pressing a gentle kiss on my cheek before walking to the drivers side. A deep blush creeps onto my cheeks as I make my way to the now unlocked front door, thanks to Amelia.
Closing my front door behind me, I fought back a squeal. Oh my god, he makes me so happy. "That, was, adorable!" Amelia screams, pausing after every word. Laughing, I rolled my eyes as I followed her voice into the living room that looks into the driveway.
"I knew you two we're together!" She exclaimed, laying down on my couch. "We're not together, per say. That was our first date." I laughed, sitting down beside her.
"You didn't see the way he looks at you when you're not looking. You were looking out the window at a car you thought was cute and he had these big puppy dog eyes." Amelia's eyes go big and round, furthering her words.
"Did he really?" I ask, butterflies bubbling in my stomach. "Yes! I got a video!" She loudly laughs, pulling her phone out of her pocket and struggling between various apps.
"Here." She smiles, scooting over and showing me her phone screen.
It was dark, but you could make out our facial features from the red brake lights in front of us.
"Look at that car!" My voice comes out of the speakers as I turned to look out the car window. Bradley looks over at me from the drivers seat, his eyes soft and kind.
"Yeah, it's cute." He agrees, never moving to look at the car.
The video ends right after that. "How did he not realize you were filming?" I laugh, warmth creeping into my heart.
"No idea. Do you want me to send this to you?" She asks, pulling back and laying down on the couch. With one last motion, she puts her feet on my lap. "Get your feet off of me!" I laugh, pushing her feet off of my lap.
She rolls her eyes playfully as I stand up. "I'm going to change and get a snack. Want anything?" I ask, stretching slightly.
"No thanks." She replies as I begin walking away. "Damn, I left my food in his truck." I mumble, realizing my chicken tenders were still sitting in his truck.
5 minutes later I'm sitting on my couch in my pajamas with a bowl of chips in my lap.
"Can I talk to you?" Amelia suddenly turns serious, putting her phone down on her bag. "Sure, what's up?" I ask, putting on a movie to play in the background.
"Natalie wasn't sick. I left because we got into a really bad argument." She confesses, sitting up. "How bad?" I asked.
"She got mad at me for being so focused on my grades and not hanging out with them." She rolls her eyes, fiddling with her clothes. Thinking, I lean my head back on the back of the couch.
Amelia has been focusing on her grades lately, but that's just how she's always been. Both of us grew up hearing grades are everything from our grandparents whenever they visited and other various family members that it's hard to just forget about it.
"I think you should do whatever makes you happy. If they don't support you, they aren't true friends. That being said, you also need to support them. Maybe set aside days where you hang out with them and don't focus on school." I reply, feeling my phone buzz beside me. Ignoring it, I stayed focused on my sisters dilemma.
"It's just school is so important to me. I can seriously get into a big school."
"Amelia, you're a freshman. You have three more years to figure out everything. Just keep your grades up but also have fun. You only go through high school once." I say, popping a chip in my mouth. Grabbing my phone, I check to see who's texting me.
I'm home.
Also hey, your foods in my fridge so let me know when you want that backA soft smile appears on my face as I text a quick text back, telling him I work tomorrow so he could drop it off if he wanted.

Fanfiction"Why did you make me fall in love with you when you're about to leave for a mission you may not even come back from?" I exclaim, my throat burning as I fought the urge to cry. "Do you seriously think I wanted to fall in love right before I left? Fa...