Chapter 6 Time to go

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HIIIIIIIII lol I'm sorry it takes me forever to upload but I just have a lot of trouble writing.


Amanda's P.O.V


OMD Its concert day!!!!!!!!!! I'm jumping around my room. While trying to get ready. Its nt working out.


" Fine I hope I step on a Lego! '' i said staring evily at her.

" You take it back!! " she screams sitting with her feet now up.

" Never, now shut up so i can get ready your voice is creepy! " I said laughing.

" ITS NOT FUNNY! I NEED THESE THINGS ON MY TEETH! '' She yelled with white stripes in her mouth.

I started heating my curling Iron while slipping my outfit on. I was wearing a pair of Black skinny jeans a bright pink tank-top with a lose black lace shirt over it and my One Direction hoodie. I had blk converse with a red 1D symbol on them. I look over at Vic and she has on White skinny jeans, a black tank-top with an Ireland flag shirt over it and a pair of black TOMS. Her hair was pin straight flowing down her back and mine was I loose curls with a grey Bennie over the top.

" Ready?'' I asked looking her up and down. We hopped in the car with our passes and barred out 1D CD. I just wish we could have thanked the boys before going they keep going out all week. We arrived at the venue looked at each other and stated squeeling.

We went the the gate and stood in line for what felt like hours. When we got to our seats we started jumping all around since our seats we right in front of the boys they could touch us if wanted. Next thing we know is I'm looking into Harry's eyes for a spit second when the concert is started.

After Concert


Me and Vic got out backstage passes and started of to the backstage part. The security led us into the boys dressing room along with about 10 other girls.

Next thing I know we are led in the boys room.

" Hey I know you! " Harry yelled at me and Vic.

" Haz don't yell at random people!!! '' Louis yelled at Harry.

" No I met them in Hollister I remember cause they we screaming a lot. " Harry said looking at me as i blushed.

" How dare you not scream when you met us! '' Louis yelled at us.

'' No Victoria screamed whn she met you guys! " I said pointing at her and sticking my tounge out at him.

For some reason I feel like I already knew them I was just so somferted as all te other girls hiperventalated. (A/N ; I don't know hot that word is spelt I think its like this though.)

About 1 hour later all the girls were gone and we had to go to.

" I think we should head home the boys might be worried it already 11.'' I said standing up as everyone else does too.

" Well it was great seeing you again love I can't wait to see you again! " Harry said as he began to hug me. Wait see you again what?

" But wait how will I see you again? " I said raising my eyebrow.

" Babe we met once we will probilly see each other again plus I gave Tori my number. '' Niall said staring at my best friend all lovingish.

" Tori? " I said

" Yeah she said I can call her that." Niall smiled.

" Okay well we need to go now bye! " I said hugging everyone. I got in my car and sped home I was about to pass out I was so exasted.

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