Chapter 2 : My new roommate

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Hey guys are you ready for another chapter! Well if you said yes good if you said no too bad then.

I would like to say if you want to be part of my story just message me your name, looks,personality

What you want to be either

Louis gf

zayns gf

liams gf

Victoria's friend

Amanda's friend

or the evil ex of one of the boys

or the mean girl

or the ex of one of the girls but plzz tell me

Well here is Chapter 2 enjoy


Victoria is on he side

Jake (Harry) p.o.v


Amanda keeps on disappearing like no joke. She left all day yesterday and she is gone right now too, I just don't get it why does she keep on leaving?

" Hey guys " Amanda said as she sat next to me on the couch.

and let me say I was so happy there was so where else to sit that way me and her were forced to sit together!

" Hey " we all said back.

" Uhmmm Amanda can we talk? " I questioned her.

" Yea sure we can " she said cluelessly

" Alone " said while helping her up.


" Ohh okay so you don't want the boys to hear then I know the place. " she said as she drug me upstairs.

" Alright " I said, and let me say she looked amazing today she was wearing white Short shorts, a polka dot blouse, and blue flats. I'm pretty sure she was in her bathing suit.

She pulled me in her room then locked it and layed down on her bed as I stood there awkwardly. She scooted over and let me lay down next to her.

" Okay talk " she said quietly

" Look Amanda I'm so sorry please forgive me I never meant to just walk in " I kept babbleing

" JAKE SHUT UP " She yelled which caused me to instantly stop. she rolled over to face me and i did the same so we were inches apart.

" Sorry for yelling but man u have to start shutting ur mouth, anyways its cool I over reacted I never was really mad I was just angry but its alright now " she said while smiling.

I started to lean forward so did she and right as our lips touched there was electricity up my body then next thing a I know was someone knocked on the door!

She got right up to get it right away.

" Victoria " she squeeled when jumping into the girls arms and they both fell.

" Amanda " the girl yelled.

" Victoria this is Jake, Jake this is Victoria" Amanda said.

" Hi I'm Amanda its nice to meet you and oh my god I love your hair do you straighten it? " Victoria said all fast.

" No its just straight I guess okay I'm leaving I'll be down stairs bye girls " I said the winked at Amanda who blushed.

Amanda P.O.V


" So Victoria why are you here! " I said happily to my best friend

" Uncle Sam was beating me and I couldn't take it so i ran here" she said crying.

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