Chapter 3: Why

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Heyy guys sorry my other chapter was very short I can't tell length cuz i write on an ipod.

Lol Can you plzz suggest my story to others for me it would really help a lot thanks :-)

oh and the AmaZAYN Victoria is played by my best friend @Missylane00 I love you babe!


Amanda's P.O.V


Its been 3 days since Victoria moved in with me, and let me say I love it so much! Do you know how it is with another girl in the house who is your best friend? well if not its pretty awesome!

Right now everyone is asleep so I'm going out to grab some starbucks for us all. I tip toed out the door and got in my red mustang. when i got there I saw a familier car but oh well.

When i finished my order I sat down and then I seen James walk in when i was about to go say hey and stuff I noticed the girl who is holding his hand they leave after the get the coffee so I payed and left.

Why was MY BOYFRIEND linking arms with her now I'm worried! when I got out I went to the park for some air that's all I need is air maybe it was a cousin or something you never know.

As I was going back to my car I saw James and that girl making out under a tree, that's when I lost control and ran up to him and poured my drink all over him. He snapped up and yelled at me.

" Amanda whats your problem! " he screamed

" What's my problem, MINE, IM NOT THE ONE MAKING OUT WITH SOME GIRL WHEN I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!'' I screamed in tears.

" Amanda I never really loved you but i guess you fell for it I was just desprite, I mean look at you! " he said with a smirk.

With that I smacked him across the face and started to walk off.

" You think you can smack me " he said grabbing my wrist before pushing me against a tree I winced in pain. Then he smacked me several times before I fell to the floor. He started to kick me in the gut, leg and back.

Last thing he did was break my foot, then left. who was that man and why is he so abusive I've never seen James like that but i never want to I was scared.

I hobbled to my car and got in to speed home, I had blood going down my face, arms, legs you name it. I'm finally home and I'm flooding tears and blood.

I hurried inside crying loudly and Jake ran over to me.

" Oh My God Amanda are you okay? " he asked

I shacked my head no.

" JOHN '' Jake screamed

" yo wha--- OMG AMANDA ARE YOU OKAY!" He aid running over and picked me up.

He took me to my bathroom and got a rag, badages, and proxide.

When I was cleaned up he just hugged me tight since I was still crying and scarred. He picked me up and carried me to my bed since it hurts to walk.

" Amanda what happened? He questioned

" J-j-James " I cried in pain.

",Amanda you just rest and tell me later I'll send someone in her cause we are going to the sore for a while. " he said as I shook my head.

30 mins later~~


Someone came in when my back was turned and layed down next to me. Well at least I'm not crying but in still in pain and depressed.

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